Israel > Save Israel
Major Ehud Olmert IDF clip
Libby Kahane refers in her husband's biography to her best friend from the 1950s, Shoshana Talansky. The latter is in fact the sister of Morris Talansky of the Olmert bribery case infame
Olmert's conviction
is poetic justice 26 years on, for the banning of Rabbi Meir Kahane's Kach party from the 1988 election on grounds of "racism", an infamous act which united as one the legal talents of such strange bedfellows as then right-wing Likud lawyer Ehud Olmert and then left-wing assistant State Attorney Dorit Beinish out of dread of a Kahane in the Knesset with 12 seats.
The entire Kach Party manifesto was in fact merely lifted straight from out of the Tenach!
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