What you're suggesting is a Judeo-Christian version of taliban, sorry no educated person is going to take this seriously. A Muslim or a Hindu doesn't have to live by the bases of Judeo-chritain culture in ANY western country, they simply have to LIVE BY THE LAW OF THE LAND. Western nations are secular democracies, not theocracies, where people have to follow judeo-christian culture. It's a sick attitude to even suggest this.
Keep religion and politics separate, what religion people follow is nobody's business. This sort of fanatical religion nationalism (instead of a healthy secular nationalism) is only going antagonize more and more people, and make you sound like a western version of Ahmedijinad (sp) or whoever. 
You are an ignoramus to totally disregard realities and further contort what I have stated above. The fact that the West ARE now secular: SOCIALIST pseudo-democracies IS a problem. You are a FOOL to think for one moment that Islam can live peaceful with Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism etc. What the hell do you think fueled Islam's expansion since the 7th century, four centuries prior to the crusades, to encompass almost 1/4 of the Earth's landmass from Spain to Asia? Why do you think Muslims are massacring Christians in the Sudan, Phillippines, Lebanon, oppression of the Copts in Egypt or the Hindus in India...of course this is only a meer stint of examples of Islam's staple:
Jihad I can supply..
Islam is like communism in many respects as it is expansionim at its core and holds no respect nor "tolerance" for any other of non-like ideology:
Kufar/Dhimmi. The fact that the West has replaced its building block of morality with a-morality: Liberalism: Socialism and the Egalitarian ideal is, aside from the corruption, the major problem of why the West is in free fall. Oswald Spengler isolated this problem of amorality in his 1918 "Decline of the West" as did John T. Flynn in his 1955 work "The Decline of the American Republic". Combine this Judeo-Christian replacement with Socialism and Islam and a real problem is in the works.... one need look no further than France...
Some "religions", like socio-political ideologies, have no separation of Chuch and State or did you not know this?
PS: You think you live in a "Democracy"? How the Hell is it that all of the competant individuals are weeded out leaving only the similar "internal socialistically" minded elitists?