The world is quite pleased when Jews are murdered and maimed.
Even more so when others are killing Jews.
MassuhDGood, you are right. The world has a blood lust for killing Jews. I say that speaking as a psychologist, and as a Jew. It is maybe the sickest need the world has ever known, because it has been around for so long, and persists, in spite of all the literature on the Holocaust, and anti-Semitism, and all the injunctions to overcome bias. There is something deeply pleasurable about killing Jews, ignoring their rights, denying their humanity. It is beyond reason way and beyond the negotiating process of ordinary politics. The only answer for it is our own lethal force, doing whatever it takes to destroy those who would destroy us. Why is this so repellant to us? Isn't this what other nations do?
We have spent the last 2,000 years being the victims of this irrational force, even letting ourselves get swept along by it. It's got to stop NOW.
Face it. We are alone. The world doesn't care about Jewish deaths. Here is an example, quoting from an email of a black evangelical who considers herself interested in 'humanity' and very pro-Jewish - because we gave them Jesus. When I educated her with just a bit of the history of the oppression of Jews before the Holocaust, "
And now I hear that Christians persecuted Jews.... I wonder if there is ANYBODY that's not OUT TO GET THE JEWS. Because that seems to be the sole purpose of many of these new grassroots organizations to stir up fear and paranoia. This is creating irreversible damage and not cohesive to building or establishing relationships."
Well, so much for that self-righteous racist, only interested in black causes, tripping all over her pro-life principles to support Obama, seeing Jews as some kind of parent figure supposed to give out aid to blacks and get nothing back - except murder, but then, we are wrong if we mention it. Blacks are saying that anything critical of Obama is a racist smear, and any Jewish move to protect ourselves is divisive. She does not deny the Holocaust but does deny all the years of persecution at the hands of Christians that led up to it. I'm writing about this as a warning of a general trend.
What I see happening is a wave of hatred for the white world arising from the third world, lifting up Obama as their King, and focusing their wrath on Jews. Why on Jews? Force of habit, for one thing. And our slowness to defend ourselves and really make any aggressor wish they had picked someone else to bully. We need quills like a porcupine. And bombs we are ready to use.
Anybody go to the memorial/rally? It was OK, grieving is necessary, but not a directed call to action.
I needed to say all this. Thanks for reading it.