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Israel Must Conquer the Oil Fields

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--- Quote from: androbot2084 on September 07, 2006, 06:35:04 PM ---I think Begin giving away the Sinai will be water under the bridge at least for a long time. It is time to move on and look for a new frontier.  I think Iraq is ripe for territorial expansion for Israel.  It is obvious that the Muslims cannot effectively govern that nation without killing each other.  Iraq is full of oil and natural resources and massive amounts of land. I suspect that Israel as a nation will not go for such a radical idea  so an independent Zionist state will have to be created in Iraq. Of course such a state will not be worthwile unless the hostile arabs are cleared out so Iraq will have to be partitioned. So while Israel is giving away land the new state of Zion will be conquering more and more land. 

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hehe, im not against your idea however practically you cant be serious with that...
by the way, i think Israel cant manage and control effectively its own small borders... first our government has to change, learn how to rule our country... a job they fail on a daily base.

If the idea were not practical it would not have been mentioned in Torah.  And this idea has already been realized under the Kingdoms of David and Soloman who ruled territory extending from the Nile to the Euphrates.  So we already have a precedent.  To control the oil fields basically means controlling the money and would free Israel from handouts from the United States to such a degree that it would be Israel that would lend money to the United States.

This is what both Israel and America needs, the righteous to take over.  Those that cherish the truth and loves their country and wants their country to be an inspiration and something to leave for the next generations to enjoy not to hand over to them a nightmare.

Even if Israel would take all of the oilfields, the civilized world would still be held hostage by other big oil producing countries, like the anti-Semitic dictatorship, Venezuela.  The only solution is ending our dependancy on oil.

If Israel conquered the oil fields the only countries that would be held hostage would be the countries that Israel refused to sell oil to.  And these countries would not deserve cheap oil because Israel would only refuse to sell oil to terrorist states. With all this great oil wealth Israel would lend money to the United States rathter than the other way around. Israel will then have plenty of free oil and everyone in Israel will drive around in a big SUV's. It will be the Muslim countries that will have to tighten their belts and reduce their dependence on oil.


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