Let us set a few preliminary points in order and begin by noting that, from a genetic point of view, the differences between men and women are relatively small. These differences are obvious and marked in one or two cases, with specific reference to reproductive systems, but otherwise most differences between men and women are related to varying compositions of chemical and neurological components. When it comes to modern life these chemical differences are of a second-rate importance and do not form the principal basis of male/female social differentiation.
Most differences between male and female are determined by society - by the expectations of individual roles and the way of doing things we have had handed down to us through centuries, modified by the conditions of living over time. (Mutatis mutandis, so to speak.)
Forasmuch that the woman differs to the man in obvious ways, these differences can vary wildly - because they are socially determined - and can even be reversed. 50 years ago we saw heroic guys on our TV screens and 'little women' swooning and falling over as the helpless damsels in distress. Today we see 'homosexual' or crypto-homosexual, mincing, incompetent effete men swooning and feminist combat-action-women winning the day on our TV screens.
This is rule number one. If your mind is flexible enough to see that most gender roles are socially determined and not fixed biologically (although the Torah, which is Holy and belongs only to the Jews, sets out G-d's purpose for the universe and does indeed specify certain gender requirements for religious rather than biological considerations: I am speaking here in this post about gentile cultures) then you are able to see how it is that modern society can favour flexibility of female roles while continuing to oppress men with different lifestyles.
When you realize that gender roles and gender attitudes are socially determined, you at once begin to understand that men who society thinks are acting in a feminine way are simply expressing a fuller side of their personality and revelaing characteristics that less uninhibited societies before us did not permit. Homosexuality is an aberration arising out of a society which permits men to indulge in feminine behaviour only on the condition that they take on the humiliating label of 'homosexual', which thing is nothing but a mental illness.
Homosexuality is a choice. Human beings have always had wildly varying chemical and neurological patterns in their bodies which affect behaviour. But just because you act slightly feminine doesn't mean you don't WANT to be with women and have sex with them. It just means that society socializes you into taking the gutter option instead, which is 'sating' your lust with other men's backsides. This filthy and soul-destroying behaviour does not 'sate' one's lust; in simply serves to make a man even more demented and sick in the head, because what he really deserves is a woman.
If you can engage in an act of gross insalubriousness with a man, you can engage in sweet love with a woman - this is not a biological composition, this is the ill effects of a feminist society at work.
Whereas women are free to explore all sides of their personality - by working full time and then becoming mothers, by kissing other girls and then marrying and having children, by being allowed to act like one of the lads while at the same time receiving chivalry from the real lads - men are not permitted to do so. If any white man deviates from the strict limits of society he is straightway labelled a deviant, and his life chances are taken away from him.
Only the white woman is permitted to be a full human being under our Satanic order of things.
The white woman drives the white man into homosexuality by abusing him, ignoring him, nelgecting him, humiliating him, and raising him without a father in his life - she drives him into the arms of a loving man. But he always retains his love for her. Her sweet blonde hair and rosy cheeks set alight his concupiscences and he weeps at night for her loving embrace.
But she, that filthy [censored], has dumped him for a black man - a big smelly sweaty savage who drives her into a state of sexual fulfilment. She has forsaken her true love for a bestial African black savage.
And she has made him this way - but he is not a homosexual and never will be.
He has his principles.