I suppose I am in a very different position where I work along animals and many things that far and above what you or any one else class as natural behaviour. On the weekend I assessed 30 dogs, all from different backgrounds for a therapy program. Currently we have 700 nation wide.
These dogs have an added gift, we use that for our program.
We place dogs into hospitals, nursing homes, and schools. Many of these dogs will not respond to their own names when off lead.
I admit, my dogs are poorly trained in the sit stay routines. But they have a natural empathy in caring and adjusting themselves in a therapy role.
Why? simple because they see what is needed and fill the need. How? No one knows they just do it.
No explanation in nature or normal dog behaviour can match it.
The only logical answer is they have the ability to adjust their own behaviour which is unlearnt.
To say these animals are soulless empty shells, is a untrue. The only possible explanation is G-d allowed these dogs to do what is unheard of, they get no reward from it, no food and sometimes little to no interaction for the clients. But they work happy and content in their roles.
The dog controls the level of activity and time period it works. You can't force an animal to do what we ask of it. It chooses to do it itself.
Many things in the animal kingdom, with many animals remain unexpected. Many animals have an idea of self. Which was believed only to exist in humans. Over time and studys, many myths have been revoked.
I maintain its up to the individual what they believe, I have no intention of trying to convert closed minds.