True; for me, I'm converting to Judaism (I'm an ex-Catholic - its a long story
), and its interesting. When I left Catholicism when was 16 I looked through all Islam and Judaism. The more I read about Islam, the more horrified I became. Those who say Islam is a religion of peace obviously haven't done their homework.
Most rabbis would discourage you from wanting to convert to Judaism, and I'm not sure if the rabbis you may have spoken to have tried to do that or not, but they're supposed to.
Some Rabbi's would debate that issue; a good number are quite happy to 'convert' people to Judaism; even my local one I've chatted to briefly, after giving my background was more than happy to.
From my own, non-denominational Christian perspective, I don't see why people want to convert to Judaism, but I won't bash those who do. You'll be obligated to follow over 600 rules and I don't know if anyone can do that every single day of their life without slipping up. Maybe some people can. Even though technically you're supposed to be considered as a full Jew by other Jews once you convert, some people will always see you differently than one who was born into the culture/religion. I've heard stories like that many times.
The crux of the matter, I don't believe Jesus is the Massiah let alone the son of G-d plus may of the other basic tenants of Christianity. I can assure you after 10 years of studying the matter, I'm definitely sure I'm on the right path for me

I think you should also think about how you would be accepted as a gay person in a Jewish community. Have you read what the Bible says about that? I don't honestly see how you could reconcile the two ideas unless you were completely celibate, and I'm not even sure about that one.
Depends which branch of Judaism you go into. Then again, for me, I'm not a very sexual person anyway, so its a non-issue.
Years ago, the left used to be anti-Religious with a zeal, and that anti-religious used to slice in all directions; now it seems that Islam is the new sacred cow, the sympathy case that needs protection from the 'big bad world of scrutiny and accountability'.
I think they're just using Islam as a tool to harm the West with.
True, with the left wing 'West as at the root of evil' tirades they go on about.
I think the irony of the thing; most of the gays I know in New Zealand are either centre right or right - I mean, I'm part of a libertarian/right wing party - because I object to seeing my money going to fund everyone else's lifestyle choices under the guise of 'helping families' (what happened to 'you breed em, you feed em'?).
Try telling that to the illegal immigrants and blacks here in America. lol
True; its funny, I don't see a single Asian person in New Zealand supporting left wing parties. If every immigrant had the Asian work ethic, I'd be a happy lad.
Its also funny when you hear the gay rights. Sure, I want civil unions so I can have my relationship recognised (and almost every gay wants that), but when it comes to same sex adoption, and so forth, anything beyond civil unions, the interest in it registers below the 5% interest. Even the 'gay political groups' admit that once the same sex civil unions was passed, pretty much all the political steam evaporated out of the gay rights movement in New Zealand. But of course, we have left wing nuts out there who want to re-create the whole of society in their 'vision' - some sort of 'brave new world' vision of society.
What do you think of the flamboyant, in-your-face style of the gay pride parades? The gay rights activists here aren't just asking for economic benefits, etc. They're actually trying to force everyday Americans to accept the most flamboyant among them as "normal."
Here is the interesting thing; in New Zealand we used to have the hero parade; there are some exhibitionists within the gay community who want it back; but its been a decade without a parade, and the community is better off without it. Now there is a 'big gay out' where families get together, have picnics and so forth. A get together rather than a parade - very family oriented, so its a step in the right direction.
I do love what guy said about the 'pride marches' when asked about whether he would go, "oh, thats far too gay!". It seems that my generation (I'm 26) aren't interested in the anti-establishment BS you see the loud mouths in the gay community want. Most guys I come across (along with ladies) want to find that special someone, settle down, and be like any other couple - and basically fly below the radar. Its just annoying that there seems to be still people who want to have their sexuality on parade like its some sort of achievement.