But I'll die without ground beef! I buy the extra lean kind. And I don't eat it everyday. I rather not eat meat that much. I would be very thin but it's the sweets that kill me! Sweets and breads, I'm a carb-aholic!
Thanks for the link! 
If you love bread, then everything else that you are eating must taste really bad!!!!!
Nobody goes to a restaurant and says "what is this rubbish on the menu.. I want some decent food.. BREAD".
If you can bare it, have wholegrain bread. That is healthier than regular.
The idea of sweats and bread.. reminds me as a child, obviously not being given beef burgers in school. For some reason they used to give us bread with smarties in it (back when smarties were in the kosher guide)..
I almost had nightmares of biting into bread with a hard boiled sweet in there.