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In addition to being a black Mooslime anti-semite, anti-white racist, his whole campaign seems to be geared toward the black man. All he does is talk about racial division and surround himself with blacks and other minorities. Isn't a President supposed to be a leader for all the people? If anything, the interests of the MAJORITY of the American people should be pushed to the forefront. The Bubama campaign puts this in reverse. I am not saying minorities should be discriminated against, but why should they be elevated at the expense of the people who make up most of the fabric of America, though the makeup of our once great country seems to be dissolving by the day. Have you ever seen a white Jewish, Italian, or Irish candidate stand up there and pander to only members of their own ethnic background. They would never win an election, let alone be allowed to get away with it. You are supposed to represent all people. Spitzer was Jewish and so is Mike Bloomberg. Do they only talk in Synagogues to Jews? Why are blacks allowed to pander constantly to only blacks and minorities? The same thing happened today in NY when the new so-called Governor Patterson visited his homies in Harlem. It's yet another double standard. I can't understand it for the life of me why he is getting so much support. How blind and stupid can the American public be? His election will drive our country into an economic and racial divide we would never recover from. It's driving me nuts. Quote from: Ari on March 23, 2008, 03:08:12 PMAnyone esle notice this?
Anyone esle notice this?
It's unbelievable how stupid white people are being in supporting this animal. I read somewhere that before the election process started, Mumbasa was even telling associates he doubted whites would support him in any numbers, certainly not enough to be considered a viable candidate.
Quote from: Ari on March 23, 2008, 03:44:25 PMIt's unbelievable how stupid white people are being in supporting this animal. I read somewhere that before the election process started, Mumbasa was even telling associates he doubted whites would support him in any numbers, certainly not enough to be considered a viable candidate. its not only whites if he gets elected then all those self hating asians and indians who voted for him will realize what they have done when their seats in collage will be taken by blacks