i would have liked to reply to ari with the following answer:
"Funny how some of you turn the other cheek when a black person has a spiritual leader for 20 years who's hate is equivalent to a white man's version of Hitler and David Duke. Odd how you would call the Jewish Task Force a 'hate group', yet you support a candidate who supports the destruction of all Whites and Jews. Funny how double standards rear their ugly head especially from 'impartial' journalists and 'impartial' news agencies such as CBS. Well, I have three words to say to you: 'SHAME ON YOU!!!!!' Shame on you for perptetrating inequality in a country which was built on equality...Equality for whites and blacks!!! And you know what? None of you understand that! The stain in your hearts and brains are even clearer to my eyes..and you know who will die first in the gas chambers or nuclear holocaust, (may we never see it ever happen)."