My Rabbi considers them to be practicers of Avodah Zara. The Mantra that Mekubalim say is for instance with G-ds name - Ado*ai- Alef, Alef Daled, Alef Daled Nun, Alef Daled Nun Yud. And with other names, Ye**vah. Yud, Yud He ,Yud He vav etc. All of these kabbalistic meditations are only allowed to be done with the names of Hashem, and only by Mekubalim. For people to say this for a rabbi, a man of flesh and blood is crazy, and Avodah Zara. Its the same with Chabad who consider the Rebbe Mashiach.The Chassidic movement itself is crazed. What kind of person calls himself a Chassid? SOme1 doesnt call themselves "great". It isnt Anava.