Announcing New Show: Ask Yesha (Audio Format)B”SDA notice for those who have not seen it yet: I have started an Ask Yesha thread – for an audio show, that I will, please G-d be doing.
I’m posting it here – on the General Discussing section, temporarily, to inform our wonderful people about the thread and tell them that I will be starting a show, G-d willing next Monday - as many may not have heard about it as of this writing.

It would be an absolute honour and privilege to speak to our great members through the show and I feel humbled being encouraged by our great leader and chairman, Reb Chaim Ben Pesach, shilta.
I hope to do the first broadcast, an audio one – much like Chaim’s ASK JTF and JudeaNonCapta’s fantastic Torah Show, next Monday, if we have enough questions, i.e. 10. Everyone is welcome to ask on any topic, though on Torah I’m not as knowledgeable, to say the least.
The first show is planned for next Monday, 7 April/2 Nisan - so please post all questions before by Sunday evening U.S. time.One question or comment per poster please: Looking forward to doing the program.
You can find the thread on the JTF’s “Ask” threads section, near the other JTFers’ ones: “NEW ASK YESHA Audio Show”. The exact link to it is this one: - or Ask Yesha will be put up as an mp3 file, much like JudeaNonCapta has been doing for his past 4 shows. It will be hosted initially by the “StoreAndShare” website and the link will be posten along with: “Ask Yesha Show #1 Ready”.
Todah Lachem V’Kol Tuv!!
-Zev Ben Yisrael.