Dear America:
Thanks for taking time to read this letter. Now on to the main point. As you know, Hurricane Katrina was a tremendous natural disaster and one of the worst storms in American history. It was the perfect storm! This storm was the work of G-d! Your government has repeatedly pressured the State of Israel to kill herself, and as it says in the Bible, (speaking to Abraham), "I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee." America's politicians are cursing Israel and G-d is cursing you in return.
If you want to save America from another perfect storm, you have to support Israel and you have to tell your idiots in Washington not to pressure Israel to kill herself. You saw what happened a month ago. America, once again, pressured Israel to kill herself. In return, G-d sent a tornado to rip through Atlanta.
Send this letter to 50 people. Oh, and have a pleasant day.