-That was a great statement.
Heated debate between like minded individuals is a healthy thing.
I think that the real strength of the JTF -(being a new member) is that it does not myopically focus on views from only a few certain people.
Chaim does a great job in welcoming righteous gentiles -(BTW I didn't know I was one before joining this forum!

-This is a difficult thing I know for any religous based forum to do. This however is JTF's great strength and I sincerely hope some comfort is derived from Jewish members who can see that they are not alone in this struggle and that there is genuine support that exists from outside normal religous boundaries.
Many Christians, myself included, are very worried at the strength of attack and violence against Israel. This is a country that has had its right to exist since Moses' time and which is right at the tip of the spear in the fight against Islamic world takeover. Israel, for any non-muslim needs and deserves our 100% support.
We have had 9/11, Madrid and London to name but a few, but the truth is Isrealis cannot hide or move away from this kind of threat and face this hatred and determined attempts to annihilate them every day, at point blank range; from local Hamas threats to imbecilic vitriol from many other surrounding Muslim countries.
I have found in JTF a great forum to share views and exchange support on many related issues and I have to say that Chaim and David's u-tube videos brought me here and inspired me to get involved...something BTW that I would not normally do.
Since then I have had really rewarding discussions with forum members on very sensitive issues that would be immediately suppressed by any other media website or forum. As a non-Jewish contributor I have also felt closer to my own religion in uniting with the JTF cause. It has been inspirational in every way and has even (through measured and from very respectful advice from forum members), helped to resolve a very sensitive issue within my own family.
The best I think is yet to come... this is a life-changing forum for those that are prepared to give of themselves and identify with the wider struggle. Let us not dwell too long and waste too much time on inter-factional squabbling and rise above it. We have bigger fish to fry.
-just my humble 2 cents worth,