
What are your thoughts on people who own Nazi surplus firearms?

It's just a peice of history, who cares?
16 (50%)
Owning Nazi firearms are fine, but the swastika on the weapons is not and should be removed
6 (18.8%)
Dude are you freakin insane?! Nobody should own a weapon made by the Nazis swastika or not!
5 (15.6%)
Jews shouldn't own any weapons with swastikas on them, but it's ok if others do
1 (3.1%)
4 (12.5%)

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Author Topic: Your thoughts on Nazi surplus firearms with the swastika & people who own them?  (Read 45208 times)

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Offline Ultra Requete

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Ford BTW supported Stalin too, just as many of big US buinsess who worship only the money. I agree  with  Shamgar on principle but I woud never collect the items with evil or ocult signs like svastika or soviet star the pentagram. I had polish combat knife made in 1952 during the Stalin reign and bayonet of AKMS from my military service and german helmet but that's all.
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

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And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline muslimslayer0075995

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are u kidding me, what kind of back stabing jew would own anything with a swastika on it. the only thing a nazi knife is good for is killing a nazi. i mean seriously i will die a thousand deaths before i forgive germany let alone buy their nazi weapons. i would sooner fight with a amputated limb then a nazi weapon (over exageration of course ) seriously though i would nevr use the weapons nazis used on my grandparents uncles cousins, aunts and mother NEVER
islam isnt relgion its perpetuated hatred of the infidels

Offline White Israelite

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are u kidding me, what kind of back stabing jew would own anything with a swastika on it. the only thing a nazi knife is good for is killing a nazi. i mean seriously i will die a thousand deaths before i forgive germany let alone buy their nazi weapons. i would sooner fight with a amputated limb then a nazi weapon (over exageration of course ) seriously though i would nevr use the weapons nazis used on my grandparents uncles cousins, aunts and mother NEVER

Weapons have no loyalty, you willing to die unarmed if thats the only weapon available to you? Some of the finest weapons in the world are made in Europe.

By the way, the Ak47 developed in the Soviet Union is what the majority of the Arabs use to kill Israelis and American troops. You advocate banning the AK47 or that Jews shouldn't use AK's? Who's hands do you prefer the weapon in, the enemy or yours? A swastika on a weapon just means it's a war trophy, it's in your hands because the enemy has been defeated,
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 01:43:49 AM by מאיר כהן »

Offline muslimslayer0075995

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a war trophy are u insane the swastika is a symbol of shame, it shows loyalty to every ss office, i was being feciscious when i said i would rather use a amputated limb then a nazi gun, but seriously i would prefer a dull knife to a sharpened nazi knife in a fight. btw i am fully aware of he fact muslims use ak47's on israelis, but that is because there was a surplus of weapons after the fall of the sovite union, and the russian government needed the money, i mean u realize that israel has produced uzi's and many originally israeli uzi's have all fallen into the wrong hands. anyways back to the other comment i realize some of the nicest weapons arouned are produced by europeans, but we are talking about nazi weapons, not european weapons, although the mg42 is still the second fastest weapon in the world after the american designed S.A.W
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Offline White Israelite

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a war trophy are u insane the swastika is a symbol of shame, it shows loyalty to every ss office, i was being feciscious when i said i would rather use a amputated limb then a nazi gun, but seriously i would prefer a dull knife to a sharpened nazi knife in a fight. btw i am fully aware of he fact muslims use ak47's on israelis, but that is because there was a surplus of weapons after the fall of the sovite union, and the russian government needed the money, i mean u realize that israel has produced uzi's and many originally israeli uzi's have all fallen into the wrong hands. anyways back to the other comment i realize some of the nicest weapons arouned are produced by europeans, but we are talking about nazi weapons, not european weapons, although the mg42 is still the second fastest weapon in the world after the american designed S.A.W

The point i'm making is that many of our soldiers brought back weapons after world war II. Many of these Arisakas from Japan, the KAR98's with swastika and other weapons were captured by US soldiers and displayed as war trophies of our victory. We did the same thing in Vietnam taking back SKS's and AK47's with the soviet star on the firearm. Also many of the weapons sold were not used on Jews but captured by Russia in Stalingrad. Germany does not profit at all from the sale of these weapons as they were captured and sold on the US surplus market. It's undeniable that the KAR98 is one of the finest produced bolt action rifles of all time.

You know that rocket technology, jet technology, and other technologies came from Nazi Germany that the US uses today? Should we no longer fly to space because it's based off Nazi technology? Be glad it is in American hands and not Nazis hands.

You know how many pogroms launched against the Jews in Europe? Should we destroy the pyramids in Europe? How about all Roman artifacts, all ak47's and SKS's? (the communists were brutal to Jews), you destroy history, you have no history to speak of.

In a way you are starting to sound like a gun control advocate similar to how the Brady Campaign thinks we should ban "assault weapons" because the first modern assault weapon was the Nazi STG44 storm rifle. Emotions have no place on the battlefield. Choose what works.


Kar98 top 10 rifle video.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 04:48:54 PM by מאיר כהן »

Offline Americanhero1

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a war trophy are u insane the swastika is a symbol of shame, it shows loyalty to every ss office, i was being feciscious when i said i would rather use a amputated limb then a nazi gun, but seriously i would prefer a dull knife to a sharpened nazi knife in a fight. btw i am fully aware of he fact muslims use ak47's on israelis, but that is because there was a surplus of weapons after the fall of the sovite union, and the russian government needed the money, i mean u realize that israel has produced uzi's and many originally israeli uzi's have all fallen into the wrong hands. anyways back to the other comment i realize some of the nicest weapons arouned are produced by europeans, but we are talking about nazi weapons, not european weapons, although the mg42 is still the second fastest weapon in the world after the american designed S.A.W

The point i'm making is that many of our soldiers brought back weapons after world war II. Many of these Arisakas from Japan, the KAR98's with swastika and other weapons were captured by US soldiers and displayed as war trophies of our victory. We did the same thing in Vietnam taking back SKS's and AK47's with the soviet star on the firearm. Also many of the weapons sold were not used on Jews but captured by Russia in Stalingrad. Germany does not profit at all from the sale of these weapons as they were captured and sold on the US surplus market. It's undeniable that the KAR98 is one of the finest produced bolt action rifles of all time.

You know that rocket technology, jet technology, and other technologies came from Nazi Germany that the US uses today? Should we no longer fly to space because it's based off Nazi technology? Be glad it is in American hands and not Nazis hands.

In a way you are starting to sound like a gun control advocate similar to how the Brady Campaign thinks we should ban "assault weapons" because the first modern assault weapon was the Nazi STG44 storm rifle. Emotions have no place on the battlefield. Choose what works.


Kar98 top 10 rifle video.

I agree I own things from that time period and I hate those people.I have them as as a collection I own .They are apart of history

Offline White Israelite

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Ok there are several ways you can tell if a rifle was used by SS (to kill Jews) or were made by Jewish workers in concentration camps. Usually there are codes and what not on the rifle that show.

This is the website where i'm buying my Kar98 and shows where it was used.


Normally if it has the Totenkopf (Death’s Head), then that means it was used in the concentration camps against the people there. If it wasn't, then it was likely captured in Stalingrad in Russia.

Offline muslimslayer0075995

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i believe that if something can better man and is based off of nazi technology it should be used, i mean if we can learn about space or save lives with nazi technology (thats completly ironic btw) i mean i believe if the knowledge gained in dauchau on saving people from freezing water, can be used to resesitate soldiers or fishermen it should be used. i mean think of the princepal would u fly a nazi banner (i would burn it) because its a part of history. i mean its the same idea the weapons that were created by our jewish brethern to kill other jews, would u own one? they make better skrap metal than anything else. the only things that should be kept from the holocaust should be hung in musuems to show how sick the german bastards can be.
islam isnt relgion its perpetuated hatred of the infidels

Offline White Israelite

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i believe that if something can better man and is based off of nazi technology it should be used, i mean if we can learn about space or save lives with nazi technology (thats completly ironic btw) i mean i believe if the knowledge gained in dauchau on saving people from freezing water, can be used to resesitate soldiers or fishermen it should be used. i mean think of the princepal would u fly a nazi banner (i would burn it) because its a part of history. i mean its the same idea the weapons that were created by our jewish brethern to kill other jews, would u own one? they make better skrap metal than anything else. the only things that should be kept from the holocaust should be hung in musuems to show how sick the german bastards can be.

Theres a difference, owning relic for historical purposes (private collection) is different than cheap replicas to appease people. I'm not flying the Nazi banner, I collect weapons because of historical purpose regardless where they were made or who they were used by. I don't collect weapons with a swastika because I like them, I hate the Nazis but I realize it was a part of history and that rifle with the swastika reminds me of the evil empire that was destroyed, it's a relic symbolic of a dead empire. That's all it is to me. It's no different than buying swords that were used by the Roman Empire or Persian Empire for historical purposes as a private collection. I don't collect just Nazi weaponry, I collect allied weapons as well. Mosin Nagant from the Soviets, British Lee Enfield, M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, 1911 from America, Arisaka type 38 and 99 from Japan.

Not all Nazi weapons were used against Jews. Do you understand where i'm coming from? Egypt used AK47's against the Jews in the 1967 and 1973 war but yet I still own a Egyptian made Ak47. Why? Because neither Egypt nor Germany profit from my ownership of this weapon. They were taken and sold on the US market and neither country profits from it. Now if Germany were profitting from the sale of Nazi marked KAR98's, then that would be a different story. The only people making money from this are the gun distributors in America who have purchased military surplus weapons from the US government.

Offline muslimslayer0075995

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i see where ur coming from, but i mean 3/4 of my family were killed by german mg42's i mean can u understand my position ? there is no easy way to say wether its moral or immoral, i cant imagine if the nazi arm band owned one day by nazis is now on display in someones home, it makes me sick to my stomach
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Offline White Israelite

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i see where ur coming from, but i mean 3/4 of my family were killed by german mg42's i mean can u understand my position ? there is no easy way to say wether its moral or immoral, i cant imagine if the nazi arm band owned one day by nazis is now on display in someones home, it makes me sick to my stomach

I guess that'd be equivalent to a Arab in Lebanon proudly displaying artifacts and relic owned by Israelis in their home like boots, uniform, rifle. You would feel insulted yes that the enemy has posession of our things? To me, the greatest insult to the Nazis is the fact a Jew posesses what they once created, because we defeated them.

The MG42 was the tool but it was the soldiers responsible, remember, never blame the tool for the death but the individual. We do not blame the car for killing someone in the car crash but the driver.

I know my Mauser was not made by Jews in concentration camp because I verified the serial and the number, also there is no death heads skull on the rifle which if there was would imply it was used by SS. Rifle was used in stalingrad against Russians.

Offline muslimslayer0075995

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i understand and any way to humiliate the nazi world is fine by me  O0
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Offline muslimslayer0075995

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the cool thing about world war two is both russia and germany lost 3 million  soldiers  O0 :::D every other aspect is f***ed up
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Offline White Israelite

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Well it turns out Mitchell Arms is apparently a company I should avoid. I saw advertisement of them in magazines about Mauser K98's brand new, their ad was misleading, it claimed I could get one for 249 dollars but it turned out it wasn't even a Mauser with German markings but a yugoslavian model 48. Also it turns out that theres a possibility some of their markings are fake, they claim to sell Mausers made by concentration camp prisoners and people are telling me the symbols are fake. Personally I think it's wrong that they are trying to profit off other peoples suffering as a marketing gimmick. I don't think I will buy from Mitchells, theres claims that they are modern day Mausers with fake replica markings sold at a higher price.

I think I'm just going to get a beater used in stalingrad, at least it will have original markings.

Offline muslimslayer0075995

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thats a good idea, however i woud rather purchase a russian tokt 3 pistol (i love the classics)
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Offline White Israelite

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thats a good idea, however i woud rather purchase a russian tokt 3 pistol (i love the classics)

Never heard of a tokt 3, do you mean a Tokarev TT pistol?

Offline Ulli

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I have heard a lot of good of the Tokarev pistol. Can anybody post a technical description?
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Offline White Israelite

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I have heard a lot of good of the Tokarev pistol. Can anybody post a technical description?

The TT-30 (7,62 mm Samozarjadnyj Pistolet Tokareva obrazca 1930 goda, Russian: 7,62-мм самозарядный пистолет Токарева образца 1930 года) is a semi-automatic pistol developed by Fedor Tokarev as a service pistol for the Soviet military to replace the Nagant M1895 revolvers in use since tsarist times.

In 1930, the Revolutionary Military council approved a resolution to test new small arms to replace its aging Nagant M1895 revolvers[1]. During these test, on January 7, 1931, the potential of a pistol designed by Fedor Tokarev was noted. A few weeks later, 1000 TT-30's were ordered for troop trials, and the pistol was adopted for service in the Red Army[2].

But even as the TT-30 was being put into production, design changes were made to simplify manufacturing. Minor changes to the barrel, disconnector[3], trigger and frame were implemented, the most notable ones being the omission of the removable backstrap and changes to the full-circumference locking lugs. This redesigned pistol was the TT-33[2]. The TT-33 was widely used by Soviet troops during World War II, but did not completely replace the Nagant until that war.

[edit] Design details
Externally, the TT-33 is very similar to John Browning's blowback operated FN Model 1903 automatic pistol, but it also used Browning's short recoil dropping-barrel system from the 1911 series. The TT-33 is not a 1911 clone, however, as it employs a much simpler hammer/sear assembly with an external hammer. This assembly is removable from the weapon as a modular unit and includes cartridge guides that provide reliable functioning. The Soviet engineers also added several other features such as locking lugs all around the barrel (not just on top), and made several alterations to make the mechanism easier to produce and maintain. Production even machined the magazine feed lips into the receiver to prevent damage and misfeeds when a distorted magazine was loaded into the magazine well[4].

The TT-33 is chambered for the 7.62x25mm Tokarev cartridge, which was itself based on the similar 7.63x25mm Mauser cartridge used in the Mauser C96 pistol. Able to withstand tremendous abuse, large numbers of the TT-33 were produced during WWII and well into the 1950s.

The Tokarev is gaining in popularity with pistol collectors and shooters in the West because of its ruggedness, reliability and ready availability of cheap ammunition (in the US). However, some complaints include poor-quality grips (which are often replaced by the wrap-around Tokagypt 58 grips) and a hand grip which extends at a vertical angle awkward for many Western shooters. Nonetheless, the Tokarev, as well as its variants in 9 mm, is renowned for its simplicity and accuracy.[5]

From wikipedia

Offline White Israelite

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I like this picture, describes Nazi arms accurately.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2008, 05:28:42 PM by מאיר כהן »

Offline HuntingMuslims

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i understand and any way to humiliate the nazi world is fine by me  O0

I Agree O0
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Offline muslimslayer0075995

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yes i meant that type of pistol, i forgot the name and tried to shorten it in the from of a abriviation,  :-[ but the pistol is beautiful, i have it on my mantel.  ;D
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Is it the Font or the Colour?? You sure you don't need to see a doctor?? I mean do you get headaches when you read too much? Try adjusting the brightness on your monitor. I am constantly adjusting mine.  O0

Offline Shamgar

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Must be the color. The blue was tough.   ^-^
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Offline Crni Skorpion

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In the Uprisings against the Nazis in the Ghettos, and in the Partisan Groups who had Jew members, which guns did they use? I do not think many used Soviet guns until 1943-1945? So... Which guns?

Answer: German. Nazi.

Such a gun, to have been in the hands of a Hero who fight against Fascism and Oppresion would be good. And, in the end, a gun is a gun. It serves a purpose. To kill or harm a enemy. I have heard such stories of Jews killing Nazis with Nazi guns across Occupied Europe in 2WK and of course, some groups did this even AFTER war!

So, no. It is not wrong for a these weapons unless it is wrong for a person to pick the gun off the corpse of a stinking Arab (which we know stinks before death) and shoot any other stinking Arab who comes for him.
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Offline Yonah

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Removing the swastika from a nazi gun is about as stupid and pointless as dynamiting the Buddhas of Bayman, especially the swastika on waffenamt markings is no bigger than the head of a lead pencil and difficult to spot.

I would not buy nazi or soviet goods if those regimes profited from the sale.
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