At British airport store they were workers at the store.I think the white woman probbly wanted something from the muzzie

some loving Airport worker's 'antisemitic jibes'
A JEWISH Telegraph reader claims she overheard two Manchester Airport employees making antisemitic comments.
The woman, from Salford, was travelling to Israel and visited a shop just metres from the ThomsonFly check-in desk with her son who was dressed in traditional orthodox garb.
She says that she overheard a white woman and an Asian man complaining to each other about Jews.
She said: "The white woman said to the man 'See him over there?', pointing at my son. 'They are such awkward people, always causing problems', and he responded, 'Yes, I know'.
"She then told him of a Jewish customer who had bothered her, and he replied by saying, 'Yes, that's how they are . . . and I'll tell you another thing, they are very powerful all over the world in so many different ways'."
She continued: "It's a bit unnerving to think that the airport's security checks are so poor that they have people like these working right next to a gate which has predominantly Jewish passengers.
"It is a very worrying situation. The way he was talking was like doctrine."
A spokesman for Manchester Airport said they took the issue of racial discrimination "extremely seriously. He added: "We will not tolerate any abuse of passengers or of our staff travelling through the airport.
"We have not received any complaint relating to this alleged incident but will investigate this matter thoroughly when that complaint is made