The cost of college for only one child keeps me up late at night...sometimes in a cold sweat.
God Bless those who have to do it for more then one.
Still I would not give up being a parent for all the
security it might afford me not to be one. I'll just have to work until I die.

I don't think this is a devisive issue either C.F..
To each his own in life. Not everyone has the desire to raise children.
Sometimes it just doesn't work out, in life, for whatever reason.
I always wanted to have more then one...and I don't.

I think it is great that you want to adopt children.
I admire you every time I read that.
Adoption is wonderful. I think about it all the time.
It is also an expensive proposition though. I know many people who have adopted. It usually has cost them plenty...but feel it was well worth it.