Both are same but Shiya talk more and work less, whereas the Sunni talk less and work more.
Shiya are more theological and Sunni are more political and practical.
Sunni form 90% among them and Shiya form 10% among them.
Sunni have almost 95% share of the invasions, Shiya have approximately 5% share of the invasions.
Sunni massacred and converted forcefully Parsi en-block, so as a measure of hate and protest Parsi opted for Shiya en-block. Shiya innately hate Arabs and Sunni more than anything else.
In order to appear more revolutionary and to outmaneuver Sunni, Shiya more and more strive against Israel and America. They suffer from a hidden deathwish due to loss of their supposedly superior ancient culture that they think can never be rebuilt.
Their 12th Imam is another manifestation of their Slamic deathwish. In the garb of Imam, he is psychologically and actually their ancient Parsi prophetic warlord of the future named as "Sushrayantra". Sushrayantra is supposed to eliminate Arabian like menace from the earth and earth is to usher in great era of peace. So with the advent of 12th Imam, the word ultimately moves towards an Arabic doomsday.
Sunni are in a dilemma and can not totally accept or reject the 12th Imam, so they have named him as “Hazrat Mehdi”, who is a friend of Isa and appears before second advent of “Hazrat Isa” and before the doom. This way the matter becomes complicated and open to various interpretations.
But the fact is that the likes of Amadinezad perpetually insult and threaten others so that on one fine day someone rises and kicks roundhouse on their face. This completely absolves them from their deathwish and from the ancient slavery of Arabic spiritual yoke. They will know that their beloved Sushrayantra has arrived and the Arabics are to be content with the doom that was predicted for themselves.
However in practice, all Muslamics are to be considered equally dangerous.
With Regards…