Yes. It was very interesting to note that after McDonald spoke openly about this NWO in debate on Crossfire in 1983 he was shot down. 25 years on, he was right. The video, I found, very interesting and tragic at the same time..... He outlines how American Elites have been using their Keynesian Economics, via the Federal Reserve and the Wall Street bankers; Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan etc. and other CFR/Trilateral inner circle members have been funding the rise of all Communist, Fascist and Socialist governments around the world. During the interview he states there has been a long tie between Russia and American elites, especially after World War 2 and tapping the American people to fund their enemies around the world. Shortly after his appearance on Crossfire, he was shot down by Russians...
A very interesting video brother... VERY interesting.. He destroyes his CFR lacky opponant....