Further to the latest massacre in Israel of Jewish religous students, I quoted an Israeli reporter saying to Sky news in Europe that Israeli soldiers and police will have to man the streets on Friday becuase the Muslims are likely to cause disturbances and riot.
-Hang on a minute here? -who's just massacred who?
You would think that in the Jewish homeland the Muslims would maybe want to keep a low profile after such a heinous terrorist event... I mean what exactly are they going to protest about? -That they didn't murder enough Jewish people or that a switched-on off-duty Israeli officer sent the said terrorist to paradise???
All Muslims in Israel must be deported to Hamas controlled areas and/or Eygpt/Syria/Iran et.al. There should not be one Muslim in Israel. They are your sworn enemy and you theirs, so why harbour them?
Deport all of them, never give an inch of land, build a wall, man it with Israeli paratroopers and tell the rest of the world to follow your example.
-This is the only way Israel can buy time until the rest of the West wakes up smells the coffee and starts to do something about the Islamic threat.
Israel must defend the Golan Hieghts, because if this is lost the Jews will be forever looked down upon by the enemy in a key strategic point.
Goliath was defeated with a humble stone from a brave man.- Do not give an inch and maybe even consider going on the offensive? Attack is the best means of defence?

- Manage the media 1st and then shut these clowns down.