Author Topic: An idea that's time has come!  (Read 883 times)

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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An idea that's time has come!
« on: April 10, 2008, 07:39:18 PM »
I'd like to share a few thoughts with my fellow JTF Kahanists and our growing list of friends:

Most of us would have to admit that Western civilizations' current socio-economic-political systems are in crisis and increasingly showing instability and stress.

I remember from my readings of history how it was that the Communists came to power in Eastern Europe, immediately after the removal of Hitler's Reich.

The primary reason was because they were tightly organized, to the extent that they were immediately capable of functioning as a working government; having trained and educated experts in the ready to assume all posts in a new government.

And this, more than ideology or doctrine, was the defining difference between a cadre of "discontents" as opposed to an actual movement with a grass roots base and trained experts standing at the ready to fill the inevitable future power vacuum.

Can JTF and our supporters and friends around the world match this feat?

In other words, can each and every separate group organize from within, to the extent that the group could one day "step right in" to replace a failed government, fill each administrative position, and be functioning "full steam ahead" to meet the demands of a modern day nation state?

It is nice to dream of Chaim Ben Pesach one day leading a nationalist government in Israel, but for him to lead, there must be followers prepared to do more than simply hold up signs and yell slogans...he must also have a cabinet, a judicial system, as well as a defense department in complete agreement with his positions; all incorruptible, and all
fully capable and prepared to govern at every level from the executive down to local police affairs.

I welcome your thoughts and comments.