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Oprah Winfrey:Every child in her school in South Africa is a Black. No whites
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on January 12, 2007, 04:57:05 PM ---Ironically enough I am working monday :'(
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I am also! Its just a regular work day anyway!
michael king, his real name, is a vile creature that was a liar, a whore monger, white and Jew hater, a plagarist and a commie. He left a string of girlfriends all over the country, one belonged to the senate of louisana, I happened to see an interview with her on tony brown's journel many years ago. When will the government release his records. what are they hiding? This animal inspired a riot every where he went to. By saying, I don't believe in VIOLENCE, I do not want to see you revert to VIOLENCE, I be opposed to VIOLENCE, what do think these low IQ massives will revert to ______________VIOLENCE! This is an old tried and try commie type of indoctrination. There is nothing new here. It is also interesting to know the true feelings of Ghandi regarding his black bros in South Africa. Google his name and you will find out that he no use for the blacks at all. I think it would be a good way of MLK day to have all the prostitues to give away for his memory, all liqour stores give away free booze on his day and all students that were caught plagarizing be given a free ride in his honor.
Shavouah tov everyone. I agree with you fjack 100%. Here is another one of my longer responses to clearify any ineptitudes surrounding this Black Arafat.
Yes, we are all allowed to have our own opinions. Most of the time, I am not interested in opinions but only facts. If you are a Jew it would not be right to admire a Communist because Judaism and Communism are at direct odds and are, in fact, enemies. People like Martin Luther King would be considered Amelek in Judaism, though the immense propaganda has built them up to be icons. Luther's and his like ilk's own ideologies (communism/international socialism) demands the vanquishing of G-d, religion, morality, nationality, culture etc. Peoples, and the followers of peoples, like Martin Luther King are directly responsible for the murders/death of between 100 and 150 million people in Cuba, Russia, Poland, Ukrane, Lithewania, Latvia, Estonia, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, China, Cambodia, Laos, the Middle East, Africa and South America; all of modern history. King didn’t “borrow” what King did is actually theft. King became a “Pastor” at some Baptist Church in Alabama which is about as farsical as "Rev" Jesse Jackoff. What can a Communist, who believes G-d should be VANQUISHED contribute to ANY church but molested/Communist abominations and direct subversions/attacks on Christianity and G-d. He and Rosa Parks were not heroes as the Socialist media continually propagates, they were directly connected, organized, promoted and funded by the highly organized Communist and socialist movements/parties of America and used as pawns to push the Socializing/Communizing agenda. You should know that those same peoples and organizations are the SAME ones who fully support the so-called "Palestinian People" and the vanquishing of Aretz Israel. Research on The British Fabian Society will satisfy this statement emphatically.
The fact of the matter is, what King had done might well have been seen as a “righteous” deed by the black community, but was it? What was the outcome? I’d say the black communities and the white communities still suffer to this day from him and his likeness, reckless actions. After his protest in Washington there were more racial battles, after Kennedy’s forced desegregation of the school system there was more friction, a direct negative effect on performance of both the Blacks and the Whites and the start of the continual collapsing and communizing of American Education in its entirety. The Blacks were far more educated and civilized prior to desegregation than they are today. South Africa is another good overly distorted example with pre and post apartheid. The result of Kennedy’s, and even Lyndon B. Johnson’s, racial catering led to mass lootings, murders and the burning down of almost every major city center in America. Lyndon Johnson stated, and quite accurately so, that “Martin Luther King Jr. was a hypocrite preacher.” Thanks to King and his Socialist/Communist ilk in Britain’s Fabian Society, America’s ACLU, NAACP ect. brought the SCLC and the violence committed by Malcolm X and his distorted followers, the Marxist Black Panther Group and the entire murderous Black Power movement which raped, robbed and murdered Jews which gave rise to Rabbi Meir Kahane, zecher tzadik livracha, and his Jewish Defense League: JDL.
The only “Jews” and “Synagogues” that would admire Martin Luther King are the Reform “Jews”. Since Reform “Judaism” isn’t Judaism at all but a Socialist/Pagan/New Age Cult of Judenrot which was also founded by Bundist/Communist Abraham Geiger in 1841 "To Eliminate the Opiate” from within. “Rabbi” Geiger was directly responsible for molesting of the Torah, Tanach, Talmud and committing mass institutional digression of Judaism through his Reform “Temples” and “Yeshivas”. One can directly see why these ineptitudes and evils such as “Pro choice”, “gay marriage” mass intermarriage, and mass assimilation infect the Reform and “Conservative” movements and why they would support such a hypocrite as Martin Luther King Jr..
Yes it is your choice to honor, propagate or admire anyone, any ideology and any deed you see fit but be informed that Martin Luther King was an enemy of Judaism and the Jewish people…. Fact, not opinion; Yahuda HaMaccabee and his fight against these Hellenist/Seleucid creatures in 165BCE and Marzutra II’s battled them in “enlightened” Babylonia for Jewish independence and Judaism as a religion in 520AD, the mass excommunications and molestations of/in Judaism of so-called “Messiahs”, “Rabbis” and distorted “Utopian” so-called Jews with their immense damage to Judaism and Jewry since the 1600’s: Shabbatai Tzvi, Jacob Frank, Moses Mendelssohn , Abraham Geiger, Isaac Mayer Wise, Stephen Wise…..Henry Kissenger etc..
“Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.” – George Santayana or as Davkakach would state: “Kindness becomes a crime when applied to the cruel.” – Thomas Mann.
Wow, Marzutra I never knew Martin King was such a fellow, I always taught he to be a good man period.
Now Melcome X always knew was a beast, but martin king and communism ect?
Can you be kind and point to more proof of th facts on this topic besides The British Fabian Society?
Its not that I mayself don't believe you, but I would like to see more of your sources, I wont lie i find this rather intriguing to tell the truth.
--- Quote from: JoshMan on January 14, 2007, 12:50:57 AM --- Wow, Marzutra I never knew Martin King was such a fellow, I always taught he to be a good man period.
Now Melcome X always knew was a beast, but martin king and communism ect?
Can you be kind and point to more proof of th facts on this topic besides The British Fabian Society?
Its not that I mayself don't believe you, but I would like to see more of your sources, I wont lie i find this rather intriguing to tell the truth.
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Absolutely, if you want a glimpse of Martin Luther King Jr. from a leftwing source, you can just go to Wikipedia which displays his association with the Communist party. If you look up Ms. Parks you will too see this from a left wing source. If you want to read about how the Communist movement uses blacks and front groups; "Peace", "Freedom", "Democracy", "Human Rights" etc. Louis Bodens "The Techniques of Communism". Rose Martin's "Fabian Freeway, the High Road to Socialism in America" along with John. T. Flynn's "The Decline of the American Republic" also chats about this. You can just as well go on Google and type in "Martin Luther King Junior Communist" and you will get a slew of hits. The fact is, he was a card carrying member of the Communist party, was aided, funded and directed by them with their socialist brethren to use the blacks to push the Marxist agenda. Just like Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, a righteous black man, speaks out agaisnt Socialist scum like "Rev" Jesse his book "SCAM" King would be in the same boat if alive today. A sham pure and simple to both the Righteous Black Community and the Righteous White Community. Placing a statue of a black communist in Washington is comparable to spitting in the faces of the founding fathers considering your consitution was explicitely written so that the ideology that King professed to would never become LEGAL in America.
To learn about Communism/Socialism one must read it from the source: "Communist Manifesto", "Republic", "Utopia" and most probable the "New Age" garbage by Madam Blavatsky or Alice Bailey as well due to it having many things in common with political communism. If you should read a very accurate book about the history of Communism: "The Black Book of Communism" - S. Courtois. Should you wish the tactics, aside from Bodenz, "New Lies for Old" - Anatoly Golitsyn. And if one wants to know who is behind the spread of Socialism/Communism they should read: "The Anglo-American Establisment" or "Tragedy and Hope" both by Carroll Quigley (Leftist and appologist) or "The Naked Capitalist" - Cleon Skousen, "The Insiders" - J. MacMannus or "Shadows of Power" - J. Perloff from the Christian Right or from the Jewish Right Rabbi Marvin Antelman's "To Eliminate the Opiate" with "Perfidy"- Ben Hect although digressing from the origional topic: MLKjr with my apologies..
The funny thing is that Michael Savage speaks about the ACLU, NAACP and others all the time and has also related the same about King, Parks, the Black Panthers and others. I hope this helps, I have tons more should you wish.... You might also be informed of the movie "Roots" by Alex Haley was also a plagiarized sham for which he was sued over.... If you have any specific question I will surely be happy to supply refs.
PS: We are always taught that there is a "Palestinian People" and "Islam is a religion of peace"....doesn't much make it so... "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" - C.T. Iserbyte for the Marxitizing and "New Aging" of our Educational system and Oswald Spengler's 1926 prediction "The Decline of the West" vol. 2 specifically....the decline of the Christian West like Rome, Greece, Carthage, Sparta, Egypt.... A good book on the sponsors of Marxist and Islamic terrorism, although a bit dated but still applies to today's world is "The Terror Network" C. Stirling or even "Cold Terror" - S. also ok.... The only thing, in my opinion that saved Old Whitey then is the Blacks weren't armed to the teeth like they are today....:'(
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