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Oprah Winfrey:Every child in her school in South Africa is a Black. No whites

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Oprah is both anti male and anti white. Here is the article by Debbie Schlussel.

HOprah Watch: Does Oprah Practice Apartheid? It Appears She Does

By Debbie Schlussel

Does Oprah practice apartheid?

Today, on self-absorbed Oprah's XM radio station, HRHSBOtU (Her Royal Highness Supreme Being of the Universe) Oprah is broadcasting the opening ceremony of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa, which took place today.

The broadcast, conceitedly entitled "My Tomorrow" by Oprah, should probably be subtitled, "The New Apartheid." You see, Oprah personally handpicked the 152 girls who will attend her new South African school.

And based on photos, it appears not a single one of the girls she picked is White. When I first heard about Oprah doing the admissions, herself, last spring, I contacted her Harpo Studios to find out whether Oprah chose any Whites for the school. An Oprah press person called me back and told me they'd get back to me with the racial make-up of the entering classes of Oprah's Academy. Now, months later, they never did.

And it appears there are no White students. Were none of the 3,500 applicants White? Were Whites told they need not apply? Are there no South African White female "teens and preteens from poor and troubled backgrounds"? Since Oprah calls the girls her "dreamgirls," would love to know the answers. But, alas, I didn't get any.

For someone who opposed apartheid and openly preaches harmony of the races, it appears HRHSBOtU doesn't practice what she preaches. Rape of young White girls is now at epidemic proportions in South Africa. You'd think that one of these victims would benefit from attending Oprah's posh new school--complete with yoga studio and beauty salon.

But apparently, there is not room on the posh, $40 million, 22-acre complex for any White young women. If there were, I'd think the Oprah people would get back to me with that information. But they haven't.

And based on her broadcast conversations with Friend Gayle King, Oprah apparently doesn't really like White people all that much.

Well, she can get away with it in South Africa. But if she refused all White candidates or didn't encourage them to apply to a school in the U.S., she'd be violating civil rights laws.


Yochanan Zev:
Debbie Schlussel is a racist sack of poo.  Oprah can do whatever she wants with her money.  If she doesn't like it then she should put up her own money.

Joan Rivers and Phyllis Diller are rich white Jewish women who have never done anything for anyone except themselves, wasting tons and tons of money on awful plastic surgery and gawdy jewelry.   I'll bet neither one of them has given money to Israel.  Why isn't Ms. Schlussel up in arms about that?  Debbie Schlussel is fairly wealthy herself.  How many little goyish whites girls is she spending her hard earned money on to help?

Considering all the poor white trailer trash she's doled out loot on her show, as nasty as you white racists react to her I wouldn't blame her if she never gave another white person the time of day.   


This just public relations for that creature. I would be sickened if any white child was to be indoctrinated in that 'school'. Oprah is only trying to clean up her past. She is an admitted slut, a drug user and a self absorbed idiot. Hey maybe she and osama obama can exchange drug dealers phone numbers.

David Ben-Ariel:

Oprah Winfrey: "I say to the critics, be damned. Be damned because you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Oprah can do as she pleases with her money, or the money her predominantly white audience sends her for her pet projects, even if it includes "keeping a promise" to open a school for girls only that she made to that smooth talking terrorist in a suit and tie, Nelson Mandela (who is on record, singing about killing white people, didn't Oprah know that?) who was released from prison on condition he didn't enter politics (even though he should have hanged as a gun smuggling traitor -- didn't Oprah know that?).

Oprah's school for girls feeds the feminist beast that bellows women are the future salvation of the world. Oprah has mainly taken black girls from poor South African neighborhoods, which is her prerogative, but she shows her inexcusable ignorance about apartheid when she blames it for their level of poverty (it's been over for years Oprah and blacks from the rest of Africa clamored to get into South Africa under apartheid for economic advantages!).

 Does Oprah blame apartheid for the poverty of those white girls turned away from her school because of their color?  Sounds like Miss Oprah is just exposing more of the double-standard blacks get away with too often and don't like it when called on it. Shame.

Aid for Africa?

Black to Africa (Facing the Crisis in Black America)

Black Mark on Toledo
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Black Racists Slaughter Whites in South Africa - Where's the Outrage?
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Johnson Brown:
Don't blame okra Winfrey.
You don't have to go to south Africa to see white girls get turned away from schools you can see that right in this country, remember affirmative action in our schools.
Also Oprah knows that it is useless to open a school here because these monkeys are just too stupid to learn, so she figured to give new little monkeys a chance maybe the world would have better luck with this bunch.
The rest is politics and should have nothing to do with her opening a school, why blame the children.  So if Bush wants to open a new school what should we do?, he's murdering our service men and women in a useless war.


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