Author Topic: Robert Mugabe's shameless partner in crime President Mbeki of South Africa  (Read 1002 times)

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Southern Africa's biggest Con Job - Robert Mugabe's shameless partner in crime President Mbeki
by Jan Lamprecht

[President Mbeki disgusts me more with each passing day. For the last 8 years now we've been treated to that garbage which he refers to as "Quiet Diplomacy". Tony Leon said it correctly when he said it really is: "Quiet SUPPORT" for Mugabe!

I watched Mugabe and Mbeki tonight on SABC Tv News. They are such shameless bastards. They'll look you in your eyes and lie straight into your face.

Every newspaper in South Africa has been filled with blaring front-page headlines for the last 2 weeks describing in detail how Zimbabwe's election was stolen. Excellent NGOs (Non Governmental Organisations), like Sokwanele in Zimbabwe have recorded in tremendous detail the agreements President Mbeki brokered with Mugabe for the MDC. Sokwanele then went on to document and record daily infringements as Robert Mugabe went on to toss one deal after another into the rubbish bin. President Mbeki said nothing about it. Mugabe tossed away the vast majority of these signed, sealed and delivered agreements, except for two - one of which was the one about the posting of ballot results outside polling stations. It was that one which enabled Mugabe's cheating to be exposed like never before.

The facts are known all across the world. Here in South Africa even the Voice of the ANC, the SABC has actually been telling the truth about the crookery in Zimbabwe.

The Western world knows about it too.

So you would think President Mbeki also knows the truth. But he acts like a deaf and dumb fool. He goes on supporting Mugabe's mythology that there was a free and fair election. He and Mugabe fall back on legalistic nonsense to pretend all is well.

President Mbeki lies into the face of Gordon Brown in the UK. He lies to the British.

President Mbeki is a practised liar, but of late he has outdone himself.

Mugabe and Mbeki walk side by side - partners in crime.

I cannot even begin to imagine the nonsense that Mbeki will say in defense of Mugabe at SADC. I have always had the impression that as Africa's "Super Power", South Africa can put a lot of pressure on other African countries. This concerns me. I wish the 14 SADC nations would be honest for a change. But they've lauded Mugabe before.

What is very strange is that Mugabe himself has snubbed SADC. That strikes me as strange and I wonder if Mugabe isn't shooting himself in the foot big time. I hope so.

My disgust for President Mbeki of South Africa knows no limits. Mbeki is behaving like Mugabe himself - 100%. Its completely sickening. Read some of the trash that Mbeki talks in front of the world. Jan]

Crisis? What crisis?
posted at 9:43 am on April 12, 2008 by Ed Morrissey

How would most people describe a nation with 150,000% inflation, massive unemployment, a collapsed agricultural system, and an election for which the ruling government refuses to release the results? “Crisis” would be an understatement for everyone ­ everyone except Thabo Mbeki, South Africa’s president and ally of Robert Mugabe. Mbeki says we just need to patiently wait for Mugabe to get around to letting people know who won:

South African President Thabo Mbeki says “there is no crisis in Zimbabwe.”

Speaking in Harare after meeting with Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, Mr Mbeki said Zimbabwe’s electoral commission must be given time to release the results of a presidential poll held two weeks ago.

The South African leader has been a key mediator in attempts to resolve the country’s economic and political plight.

“I wouldn’t describe that as a crisis. It’s a normal electoral process in Zimbabwe. We have to wait for ZEC (Zimbabwe Electoral Commission) to release (the results),” he said.

Mbeki may want to explain how long Zimbabweans must wait for those results. The ZEC has had two weeks to release the totals, and in court could not give any indication how much longer it would be. In fact, they claimed that releasing the results would release dangerous forces in Zimbabwe.

The ZEC believes this to be a crisis, anyway, even if Mbeki busies himself with spinning for dictators.

Mugabe has chosen not to attend the SADC summit on the crisis, which could be a big mistake. Morgan Tsvangirai will attend at the invitation of President Levy Mwanawasa of Zambia, an unprecedented welcoming of an opposition figure by the commission. Mugabe usually gets red-carpet treatment and almost no criticism at these meetings, but that may not be the case if he snubs the SADC. He may find himself further isolated in southern Africa, putting more pressure on him to leave Zimbabwe and find a retirement plan.

Here's the source site, in case you would like to read some of the comments.... some of them were rather interesting.
Source URL:
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