When I was in grade 11, my French teacher, Mrs. Miller, had us write sentences in Le Conditionnel Antérieur. My sentence was "Si j’avais su que je nettoierais la maison, j’aurais employé un domestique." Translated to English, it means "If I had known that I would be cleaning the house, I would have hired a maid." Then I whispered to Kevin, "no foreigners". He immediately called me a racist. I then said "I'm a racist for not hiring foreigners, eh?

" So, by that logic, that makes the vast majority of locally-owned businesses "racist" for not hiring foreigners. He then just calls me racist. I mean he keeps saying it, but he's not explaining it. Last I checked, foreigner meant "not from here". That would make Ontarians, Americans, and Winnipeggers foreign. I tell him, "why are you so quick to bring up the race card. I think that makes you the racist, not me" He then shut his ignorant trap. Of course, this was 15 or so years ago, and if I want to run for public office, I hope no one videotaped it. Actually, go ahead, tape it. One of my main goals in life is to cause a stir. Like Tom Lukiwski, who spoke against the homosexual f***ots with dirt on their fingernails that transmit diseases.