Yes, Brian, better fasten your seat belt, and Bullcat, you just hit a little bump so far, there are craters ahead. I have one that will be entering college next year and one in the tenth grade. The one going to college has always been in private school and the one in high school has only been in public school for high school but it is one of the specialized science schools and there were still unbelievable things.
On the AP American History tests, tests in high school for college credits, there are absolutely no questions concerning military history.
Even though my kids have always been on the top honor rolls and my daughter has been offered a few college scholarships I had to inform them that George Custer not was only a hero at Gettysburg but that he was even there.
They also knew nothing of America's first foreign war with the Barbary states.
Charles Martel, Jon Sobieski, who are they?
In grammar school in 8th grade, my son was told by a nun that the Crusaders were on a mission to find gold and forcefully convert everyone, the only reason they started.
This same nun also did not let them read the word Indian out loud from their textbooks, even if that was what was printed, they had to say Native American.
My daughter told me a question on the American history regents was, which American war came first, WWI, WWII, the Cold war or the Gulf War.
There is so much more, just put out a couple of little ones. Guaranteed one February you will be helping your kid with a report on. "The Great American Martin Luther King".

As long as you educate them as to the truth it will be ok, not easy as they will be getting taught differently in school, but it will turn out ok.
Just thought I would add this funny little story. Twice that I went to my son's school on parent/teacher report card night there was a student group in the hallways collecting money to Save Dafur. Both times I informed them that if they could correctly explain the situation there to me I would donate to them. I received blank stares. I then told them, just tell me who the janjaweed is and I would donate to them, again, puzzled looks. Funny, the second time I did this I got a sneering look from another parent, definitely liberal type, I have liberal radar. Even funnier though is that she did not donate anything. Typical liberal.
Welcome to the reeducation camp.