Funny, at work today the black workers were getting upset with the white workers that were gloating over the verdict. Many of the white workers would stop talking about it when a black co-worker came near. Not me, I talked louder. Made sure they heard me say, "well, they got O.J. now we got one, tie score". This was not well recieved. When one of them asked me, if all three victims were white and all the cops were black would you still be happy with the verdict? I told them if the three white "victims" were drug dealing thugs bartering with a prostitute at 4am at a known drug spot stripper joint, hell yes. I was then told that I just don't get it. When I asked the person to please enlighten me without using all the PC bull crap and Al Sharpton/Charles Barron talking points they just walked away.
This was pretty much how the rest of my day at work went.
I guess the fact that one cop was black and one hispanic and one of the "victims" was hispanic and there were black attorneys in the defense and whites in the prosecution seems to be lost on many people.