Author Topic: Mega-Mosque Plans Could Make London "Muslim Capital of Europe"  (Read 1612 times)

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Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Mega-Mosque Plans Could Make London "Muslim Capital of Europe"

LONDON – Today, a neglected piece of real estate on London's east end sees little more than commuter trains rumbling past it.

But it's the future location of what some say will be the biggest Islamic in-road into Christendom in 400 years – a gigantic mosque complex, the likes of which the West has never seen.

This is the site for the proposed mega mosque. Currently, a small building is the present makeshift mosque on an undeveloped piece of land. Imagine a huge modern Islamic complex – in effect, an Islamic village for worshippers.

Video from the website of the mosque architect Ali Mangera shows what will be called the London Markaz, a 17-acre Islamic worship center for as many as 70,000 Muslims. Planned to be the hub of an Islamic quarter for the 2012 London Olympics, it will dwarf many of Britain's Christian cathedrals.

“It's going to be very large,” said Alan Craig of the Christian Peoples' Alliance. “It's going to be a mosque, it's going to be an Islamic garden, there's going to be a library, there's going to be residential accommodation.”

Craig, who is a councilman for the London borough of Newham where the mosque would be built, is fighting its construction.

"I'm not anti-Muslim,” he said. “I'm a Democrat – I believe Muslims have the right to build mosques. But there's a difference between your average mosque down the road and this monster mosque, this mega mosque, which they want to build."

But it's not just the size of the mosque that's a concern. It is also about who is behind it – a shadowy group called Tablighi Jamaat. The Federal Bureau of Investigation states that Tablighi Jamaat has ties to al-Qaeda. Shoe bomber Richard Reid was associated with this group, as were two of the bombers who struck London's public transportation system in 2005. The money for the project comes from sources in the Middle East.

Even moderate British Muslims oppose the mosque and have circulated a petition against it. Dr Irfan al-Alawi, who says the mosque will be a security threat, is one of the leaders of the Muslim opposition.

“This mosque would lead to more violence in the U.K.,” al-Alawi said. “I think, yes. Once the youth have been brainwashed, and been captured by the satanic ideology of the Tablighis, yes, it will come as a very hard-hitting movement."

But while some moderate British Muslims may think the mega-mosque is a bad idea, it has one important booster – the Lord Mayor of London.

"The person who is really behind it is Ken Livingstone," al-Alawi said.

Livingstone has what some would describe as a pro-Islamist, anti-Jewish track record. He's called Ariel Sharon a "war criminal" and has said that British Muslims who go to the Middle East and kill Israelis should not be called terrorists. He has welcomed London radical cleric Yusef al Qaradawi, who defends suicide bombings against Israelis.

The mega mosque project might have sailed through before Sept. 11, 2001. But in 2007, Britain is now considered a major base for homegrown Islamic terrorism. Newsweek reports that Britons are traveling to Pakistan where they're being trained to carry out terrorist attacks in the U.K.

Al-Alawi says Pakistan is also where Tablighi Jamaat sends young British born Muslims to be brainwashed into extremism.

"The British government (is) really going to turn a blind eye on that and say let's go ahead and give these people a chance,” he said. “I don't think so. If they want a 9-11 in England, then by all means.”

Melanie Phillips, author of Londonistan, says the British left still believes that accommodating radical Muslims will somehow pacify them.

"It’s taken the line of least resistance and it, very foolishly in my view, believes that if you give in to the demands being made by extremists you kind of make the problem go away,” she said.

But if anything, the "problem" in Britain is growing. Polls last year showed almost a quarter of British Muslims believe the July 7, 2005 London bombings were justified, and one in three want to live under sharia law.

Those kinds of headlines have helped galvanize grass roots opposition to the mega-mosque project.

Councilor Craig, who lives in a city with 300 mosques and 500 madrassahs, suggests Britain not allow anymore mosques until Muslims allow churches in Saudi Arabia.

"Why should the Saudis pay for a mosque in the U.K. when there is not one single church, temple, goodwara, synagogue in Saudi at all?" he said.

Spokesman for Tablighi Jamaat Abdul Khalique refused an interview request by CBN News. But he told the British press the mega mosque "…will be something never seen before in this country. It is a mosque for the future as part of the British landscape"

If the mega mosque is built, you can be sure of one thing: it will be the symbol for the incredible growth of Islam in Britain and in Western Europe.

UK: Largest Church in Europe Forced out for Largest Mosque in Europe

LONDON - If you live in London, and you want to build the largest Mosque in Europe, that's great. But if you want to build the largest church, forget about it.

London's Kingsway International Christian Church, the largest church in Europe, no longer has a permanent home. Nor is there much prospect of it finding one in London.

This congregation of as many as 10,000 was forced off its property to make room for the 2012 London Olympics. And now it must hold five Sunday services jammed into a 1000-seat former theatre in East London.

Not far from Kingsway's former church property is land that has been set aside for a huge mosque complex for as many as 70,000 Muslims. The City of London wants it to be an integral part of the 2012 London Olympic site. This despite the fact that the so-called mega mosque is widely controversial, because it is being built by a secretive group called Tablighi Jamaat, which some have tied to terror.

"Mayor Livingstone is actively courting the Muslim vote. That's what he's doing. I also think our secular authorities are actively writing Christianity out of the script," Craig said.

It's not surprising, then, that a leading Islamic cleric in Britain recently called on Muslims to support Ken Livingstone's re-election campaign.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2008, 06:53:19 AM by AriseSouthAfrica »
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Re: Mega-Mosque Plans Could Make London "Muslim Capital of Europe"
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2008, 10:31:27 AM »
We have to stop this Mosque before it gets finished. Let's make a petition or some sort to do it.

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Re: Mega-Mosque Plans Could Make London "Muslim Capital of Europe"
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2008, 02:22:35 PM »
This is a very serious problem! I am sure there are people in the UK making a stand against this mosque but there needs to be a far bigger protest against it!
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Re: Mega-Mosque Plans Could Make London "Muslim Capital of Europe"
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2008, 03:13:27 PM »
This is a very serious problem! I am sure there are people in the UK making a stand against this mosque but there needs to be a far bigger protest against it!

Most Europeans don't even care. They need to wake up fast before it's too late.

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Re: Mega-Mosque Plans Could Make London "Muslim Capital of Europe"
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2008, 02:38:53 PM »
The Mayor of London - Red Ken - is a big part of the problem. He must be removed, he is an evil bastard!
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Re: Mega-Mosque Plans Could Make London "Muslim Capital of Europe"
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2008, 07:45:28 PM »
The Mayor of London - Red Ken - is a big part of the problem. He must be removed, he is an evil bastard!

Good news, that schmuck was booted from office!

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Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Re: Mega-Mosque Plans Could Make London "Muslim Capital of Europe"
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2008, 02:01:24 AM »
The Mayor of London - Red Ken - is a big part of the problem. He must be removed, he is an evil bastard!

Good news, that schmuck was booted from office!

Yes the a**hole is gone!! Lets hope Boris is better!!
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Offline q_q_

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Re: Mega-Mosque Plans Could Make London "Muslim Capital of Europe"
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2008, 02:49:11 AM »
I bet in a few years mooslims will claim it as the "third" holiest place in islam where mohaMAD-man visited and then then forcefully try to turn London into an islamic state, claiming that they have a right to have their own country there as Londonstinians!

I think those events will happen in reverse order! But They will claim it regardless, they couldn't care less if MooHamMad visited it .  But if they did make the claim, it would probably be based on an idea that Ken Livingstone appears in a hadith.