Author Topic: Why Whites Will Rule South Africa Again  (Read 1214 times)

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Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Why Whites Will Rule South Africa Again
« on: May 04, 2008, 08:28:44 AM »
Why Whites Will Rule South Africa Again

by Mike Smith

While some people believe the prophecies of Nikolaas (Siener) van Rensburg that the white man will one day rule over South Africa again, most dismiss it as superstitious nonsense and have a more pessimistic point of view. They say the time of the white man is over and they will never again rule South Africa.

I am no believer of Siener’s prophecies, but I am certain that the whites will one-day rule over South Africa again. My reason for that is my close observation of “Mother Nature”. The current situation that we have in South Africa is unnatural and therefore cannot last.

I have noticed, that no matter what we do, or how clever we think we are, if we mess with Mother Nature, we will come short…always! Mother Nature has her course that she travels on and as long as we stay on her course we will be fine, but the problem is that we do not. We always think we are cleverer and know better than Mother Nature. We are forever trying to manipulate Mother Nature, but she is a hardcore [censored]. She does not let us manipulate her and she will always return to the natural state of being.

If we think about food for instance; as long as we eat the food Mother Nature intended us to eat, we will be healthy and not get fat, but it is when we start eating and drinking artificial products that we start experiencing health problems and we start putting on weight.

When we build levees to manipulate the flow of a river, Mother Nature will remind us of her power and restore the natural flow sooner or later. When we come with all our politically correct nonsense, that all humans are the same and only the colour of their skins differ, Mother Nature will show us the Negroid and his behaviour.

For eons, she kept the numbers of blacks down with diseases such as Malaria, Yellow fever and Cholera, but to ensure their survival gave them a higher libido. See, Mother Nature did not intend for blacks to go extinct, she intended a purpose for them. It is the whites that came and interfered with this process of Mother Nature and caused the numbers of Blacks to soar. The whites took away all these diseases that naturally curbed the black’s numbers and allowed them to breed uncontrollably.

The reality is that Mother Nature is no egalitarian. People are in fact unequal in intellectual potential—and they are born that way, just as they are born with different potentials for height, physical attractiveness, artistic flair, athletic prowess and other traits.

We can deny this and keep fooling ourselves. We can adopt all sorts of liberal ideas and embark on all kinds of social experiments, but sooner or later, Mother Nature will remind us of her course that she is on.

People say that Blacks are physically larger and stronger than whites and therefore are naturally the dominant species, but is that true? A gorilla is stronger than a human too; is he the dominant species? No he is nearly extinct. Hunted there by the much smaller, but more intelligent Blacks.

Let’s face it. As animals, we humans suck. Our sense of smell is nothing compared to that of animals. Our eyesight, is pathetic and our hearing even worse when it is compared to that of animals. We are physically weak, we are slow, but yet we are the dominant species on earth. Why? One thing and one thing only make us superior in the animal world, our brain.

We cannot pick up five tons physically, but we can design a machine that can. We cannot run as fast as a Cheetah, but we can build vehicles that are even faster. Physically we cannot fight a lion, but we can use a rifle or a trap to kill or subdue it. We cannot fly like birds, but we can build machines that can.

There is a reason why Mother Nature made different species of humans, we need to realise what that is. Fact is that blacks have a lower intelligence than other species of humans. It is therefore unnatural for them to dominate and rule more intelligent whites. The natural map that Mother Nature prepared for the Blacks is for them to live in grass huts and be nomadic herders and that is ultimately what they will return to. Liberals will get a fit when hearing this, but it is the truth.

Here in South Africa, I can see this unnatural state everyday. I can see people’s frustration with this artificial situation and how whites barely tolerate it. It is only a matter of time before the levees give way and Mother Nature returns the river to its natural course.

Every day I can see the arrogance of the blacks building and the frustration of whites mounting. Like red hot magma, a full scale war is bubbling under the surface of this artificially created, politically correct, crust of black domination over whites and it is only a matter of time before this volcano erupts with cataclysmic results.

Blacks are making a big mistake by thinking that whites are scared of them. White South Africans are not scared of blacks at all. Whites know them only too well and in fact, resent them. What is holding the whites back at the moment is their fear of prison. Who is going to look after his family if a white male goes to prison? Whites are scared of losing their material possessions and their families.

That my friends is the truth and also, currently, the only thing preventing whites from losing sanity and climbing into the black populace claiming their country back. The ANC knows this and that is why they parade the ‘Boeremag’ men up and down, to show others, who might be thinking about a revolution, what fate might await them. Many of the ‘Boeremag’ men have already divorced their wives, their families broken up. That is what the Afrikaners fear. Not the Blacks.

The time will come when “Freedom from black Communist oppression” will mean more than a 4x4 and a house in Sandton or Waterkloof Ridge. The time will come when “starting over” won’t be such a bad idea after all. It is all about priorities. I can see the youth already getting more and more nationalistic and militant. The Afrikaners are busy picking themselves up from their guilty mats they were grovelling on in front of the ANC.

All the Afrikaner nationalistic songs, festivals and blogs we see springing up with increasing urgency, is just the intervals between Mother Natures labour pains getting shorter and shorter. Mother Nature is about to give birth to a New Nation and when the time comes, no-one will be able to stop her.

Blacks seriously underestimate the white Afrikaner’s nationalistic pride. They think that numbers and mass action will overcome brains and ingenuity…what fools. The king of the wild is the lion, not the elephant. The king of the sea is the shark, not the whale. Not even a lion can swallow a porcupine. Mother Nature has intended it so for a reason. Mother Nature has bestowed upon all of us a gift to ensure our survival; it is up to us to use it.
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Why Whites Will Rule South Africa Again
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2008, 09:48:53 AM »
This is a terribly flawed argument, even though I agree with the author that South Africa will again be a white nation.

For example:

"...If we think about food for instance; as long as we eat the food Mother Nature intended us to eat, we will be healthy and not get fat, but it is when we start eating and drinking artificial products that we start experiencing health problems and we start putting on weight..."

-Smith believes that all human health problems came into being only in the latter part of the 20th Century?...A false premise from the onset.


"...For eons, she kept the numbers of blacks down with diseases such as Malaria, Yellow fever and Cholera, but to ensure their survival gave them a higher libido..."

-Here Smith seems to overlook the fact that "Mother Nature" has for eons kept the numbers of whites in Europe down, with diseases such as Plague, Tuberculosis, Syphilis, Typhoid, and Mad Cow Disease.

I can appreciate the author's attempt to use civility and logic in hoping to convince readers who might otherwise take offense at his position, but in so doing he has instead produced a lack of credibility in his use of flawed logic.

All that is necessary to convince his intended audience is to state his belief in Nikolaas van Rensburg's prophecy that whites would again rule South Africa, followed by a few examples of blacks' inferior mental status and their inability to govern themselves.

Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Re: Why Whites Will Rule South Africa Again
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2008, 10:30:19 AM »
Thank you MassuhDGoodName! You make some very good and logical points!  O0
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)