Author Topic: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!  (Read 4976 times)

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Offline Ari

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Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« on: May 04, 2008, 03:22:31 PM »
I wish the best to everyone in the forum and to the great JTF movement.  We must succeed.  I have been banned from the forum.  Rather than make it a convoluted story, the short of it is that I couldn't cut the chord completely with some of the friends that I made through the JTF forum.  I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye.  It's a shame needless infighting has led to the loss of so many former great members, but I hope the forum and movement builds up better and stronger than ever before.  All the best to everyone on their future endeavors.  I will miss you guys.  O0 O0 O0


Offline MarZutra

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2008, 03:39:49 PM »
Well, take care Ari.  In some ways I feel as you do....  Time will tell...
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline Americanhero1

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2008, 03:42:35 PM »
Take care Ari and good luck O0

Offline Ben Yehuda

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2008, 03:43:03 PM »
Ari seemed like a good guy to me; what's the story?

Offline Scriabin

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2008, 03:54:13 PM »

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2008, 03:57:38 PM »
Can someone fill us in to what exactly happened here. I dont think anyone should ever be banned except for support of muslims or nazis. What exactly did ari do? We should be growing, not driving people away. I am not questioning the actions of the mods or anything because maybe the person banned did something like what I mentioned above but I would love to know what happened. How did Ari start this thread if he was banned.
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Offline cjd

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2008, 03:58:03 PM »
Well, take care Ari.  In some ways I feel as you do....  Time will tell...
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Offline Scriabin

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2008, 03:58:43 PM »
Can someone fill us in to what exactly happened here. I dont think anyone should ever be banned except for support of muslims or nazis. What exactly did ari do? We should be growing, not driving people away. I am not questioning the actions of the mods or anything because maybe the person banned did something like what I mentioned above but I would love to know what happened. How did Ari start this thread if he was banned.

Yeah.  What's going on?

Offline Johnson Brown

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2008, 04:00:34 PM »
I don't know what's really going on but I think this has something to do with Skippy, Kelly Maureen, Newman and maybe a few other people that recently left or were kicked off the forum.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2008, 04:05:14 PM »
Can someone fill us in to what exactly happened here. I dont think anyone should ever be banned except for support of muslims or nazis. What exactly did ari do? We should be growing, not driving people away. I am not questioning the actions of the mods or anything because maybe the person banned did something like what I mentioned above but I would love to know what happened. How did Ari start this thread if he was banned.

He wasn't banned yet. Chaim sent him a letter warning that he will be banned.

Oh ok, if Chaim approved it then it must be for a good reason. I just questioned it initially because I really hate it when we loose members. Everyone counts and its not just a small thing to loose people. Can someone give us a detailed description of the events leading to the ban? I think we should be explained what happened and then we should no longer speak about it.
I am urinating on a Koran.

Offline Johnson Brown

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2008, 04:06:38 PM »
Lets not have long goodbye's, So I will say something that a wise man said years ago to someone "just go".
Exit stage right.
I wish you the best.

Offline q_q_

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2008, 04:09:16 PM »
I don't know what's really going on but I think this has something to do with Skippy, Kelly Maureen, Newman and maybe a few other people that recently left or were kicked off the forum.

Better to not even mention the names of people that have left or been banned. Because it always provokes some idiot to turn it into a soap opera. And as Chaim said, we don't want a soap opera over it moaning about how they miss them. In the cases of those names, we know why they were banned.

It would be interesting to know why Ari was banned though.. I don't think I read most of his posts though, so I am not saying that I disagree!

I do think it is important for people to know why somebody is banned, so that others know how not to behave. Or rather, what behaviour is not acceptable on the JTF forum.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2008, 04:10:18 PM »
Of course we should not make a big deal about it but he was a long time member and we want to know what he did that was bad. I am not questioning anything, just curious. It is important to know what is allowed and what is not allowed so telling us what happened is helpful.
I am urinating on a Koran.

Offline Еврей

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2008, 04:14:45 PM »
You'll be missed...
though Im not 100% sure what's the reason behind this... :\
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Offline IslamIsCancer

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2008, 04:15:08 PM »
We need more people to join not leave, you forgot what
Chaim tells at the end of every video???
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Offline IslamIsCancer

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2008, 04:17:02 PM »
Where is Chaim?
Free Javakh!!!
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Offline q_q_

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2008, 04:17:10 PM »
We need more people to join not leave, you forgot what
Chaim tells at the end of every video???

you don't get it, do you.

Chaim said if people want to leave, they are adults and can leave. He does not beg people back, and discourages that. And anyhow, he did not leave.. He was banned or told he would be banned (by chaim infact).  So that's that.

The question though, as sane people have asked, is what behaviour was it that caused him to be told he would be banned.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2008, 04:18:43 PM »

making a joke out of the appreciation for creation section?


it's like survivor here on this forum...who's next?

I often wonder with my softer line views when my head will be chopped (in a figurative manner..we aren't muslims)
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline IslamIsCancer

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2008, 04:20:29 PM »
We need more people to join not leave, you forgot what
Chaim tells at the end of every video???

you don't get it, do you.

Chaim said if people want to leave, they are adults and can leave. He does not beg people back, and discourages that. And anyhow, he did not leave.. He was banned or told he would be banned (by chaim infact).  So that's that.

The question though, as sane people have asked, is what behaviour was it that caused him to be told he would be banned.

YES but JTF is a great movement and all decent people ARE WELCOME.
Why are so many people leaving?
We need to be more tolerant of other members as long as they are not against
Israel and other infidels, we need to support each other to succeed and defeat pisslam,
Free Javakh!!!
I defecate on Stalin's grave.

Offline q_q_

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2008, 04:21:17 PM »

making a joke out of the appreciation for creation section?


it's like survivor here on this forum...who's next?

I often wonder with my softer line views when my head will be chopped (in a figurative manner..we aren't muslims)

Read PAGE 1 of the thread. Yehudit said the reason for him being banned was not for his posts in the appreciation for creation section.

Offline Johnson Brown

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2008, 04:24:24 PM »
People lets not start getting so desperate on the forum that we have to start begging that people stay, we don't need that on the forum.
Yes it would be nice to know what happened but lets just not beg, so with that goodbye Ari and good luck.
Bon voyage, Aloha, Shalom.

Offline q_q_

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2008, 04:25:18 PM »
We need more people to join not leave, you forgot what
Chaim tells at the end of every video???

you don't get it, do you.

Chaim said if people want to leave, they are adults and can leave. He does not beg people back, and discourages that. And anyhow, he did not leave.. He was banned or told he would be banned (by chaim infact).  So that's that.

The question though, as sane people have asked, is what behaviour was it that caused him to be told he would be banned.

YES but JTF is a great movement and all decent people ARE WELCOME.
Why are so many people leaving?
We need to be more tolerant of other members as long as they are not against
Israel and other infidels, we need to support each other to succeed and defeat pisslam,

Quality is important too, not just Quantity.

JTF is a serious movement..

Offline IslamIsCancer

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2008, 04:25:52 PM »
People lets not start getting so desperate on the forum that we have to start begging that people stay, we don't need that on the forum.
Yes it would be nice to know what happened but lets just not beg, so with that goodbye Ari and good luck.
Bon voyage, Aloha, Shalom.
You seem to hate that guy can you please tell us what happened?
He was always nice to everybody :(
Free Javakh!!!
I defecate on Stalin's grave.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2008, 04:28:31 PM »
I think this thread should be locked and whomever has questions surrounding this subject either pm/contact those directly involoved....  my two cents...
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline Ben Yehuda

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Re: Goodbye To My Great JTF Friends And Supporters!
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2008, 04:32:45 PM »
People lets not start getting so desperate on the forum that we have to start begging that people stay, we don't need that on the forum.
Yes it would be nice to know what happened but lets just not beg, so with that goodbye Ari and good luck.
Bon voyage, Aloha, Shalom.

When a prominent member leaves it makes me curious to know why. I don't think there is anything desperate about that. The fact that noone wants to clearly answer the question, why, makes me even more curious.