found on his website :
Mission & Objectives
Bring the various Black ethnic groups together.
Through these gatherings, build Understanding, Knowledge and Trust (UKT).
Travel to certain African countries to build UKT with the people and the governments.
Establish a private investment fund. Strictly for African investment followed by local investment, downstream of that investment from the revenues of the upstream investment.
Establish relationship/partnership with a Black owned national bank.
Determine a key industry into which to invest capital into various African nations.
Establish business relationship with Chinese companies doing business in African nations.
Insert Blacks into Chinese oil companies in African nations and other key industries to acquire practical experience. Must partner with China, among other things it will bring more leverage to counter a hostile Investor Class.
With revenues from African produced goods shipped to U.S., create outlets for those goods (downstream investment).
With revenues, fund community projects, centers, self-interest educational areas, etc.