Author Topic: North Carolina and Indiana results?  (Read 2052 times)

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Offline MarkQuinn

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North Carolina and Indiana results?
« on: May 06, 2008, 05:43:10 PM »
I'm sure most districts won't report in for some time (it's now 5:45 EST at the time of writing this), but I'm having a hard time finding any source on the web showing results so far.  Does anyone have a link?

Offline TruthSpreader

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Re: North Carolina and Indiana results?
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2008, 06:19:18 PM »

Hillary's winning in Indiana by 65%.

No word yet on North Carolina.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2008, 06:25:50 PM by Duke Nukem »
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Re: North Carolina and Indiana results?
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2008, 06:53:17 PM »
hillary 61% Osama 39% in Indiana with 3% of the precinct counted

Offline MarkQuinn

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Re: North Carolina and Indiana results?
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2008, 07:51:18 PM »
Pretty screwy coverage of NC on that site.

First of all there's a green check next to I'l-Bomb-ya's name saying "Winner".

But then it shows Hill with 49% and Bin Laden with 46% (My G-D if that were true!)

Finally, it says presincts reporing: 0%

All of which makes me ask resoundingly WTF???

Offline MarkQuinn

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Re: North Carolina and Indiana results?
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2008, 07:57:03 PM »
And right before my eyes it changed to Osama 66%, still with 0 presincts reporting....

Offline nopeaceforland

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Re: North Carolina and Indiana results?
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2008, 08:03:37 PM »
I think it's certain that Sadam Bin Laden won NC >:(

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Re: North Carolina and Indiana results?
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2008, 08:14:39 PM »
And right before my eyes it changed to Osama 66%, still with 0 presincts reporting....
It's a shvartza election. 1/3 of the people voting are black! They expect 95% of them to vote for brother Obama. They don't care nothing about issues. They are voting the black brother in and the people that are doing the projections know this. Sad fact is they most likely will have the projection right.
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Offline MarkQuinn

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Re: North Carolina and Indiana results?
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2008, 08:34:09 PM »
Sheik Barack ibn Hussein ibn Osama bin Lyin is now winning 64% to 34% (and with that, please carry the torch and come up with even more derogatory ways to say his name --- you know, to pass the time).

This is really bad.

Hillary's high profile cutthroat campaign manager in NC said he knew they would lose, but if they came within 10 points it would be a "victory".  I don't know if even he could have predicted a 30% loss.  Of course the site now shows 11% presincts reporting so it's still early, but realistically it could probably go up or down 5 points from here, not much more.  By contrast, Il'Bombya's 10 point deficit in Indiana is within his acceptable frame. 

We all know this is about the superdelagates and each candidate is trying to show who is more "electable".  These results may fool the democratic powers that be, but it doesn't fool me.  CJD's post above explains the greater turnout and victory for Saddam --- but do they REALLY think the same would happen in a general election?

Still, a 30 point difference indicates that a lot of white voters have come over to the bin Laden camp which is just unbelievable.  I can guarantee all of them have heard of Reverend Wright, and I can guarantee almost all of them have heard his rants.  So where does this place us?  Are we now, as a race, breathing a collective "Yes mastah, we done commited lotsa crimes against ya, and we's gonna pay sho'nuff ... we gonna pay."  Is that what it's come to?  Usama listens to "G-d DAMN America" for 20 years and we figure it's payback?  Payback for ... you know ... all those slaves you and I never owned?  All those jobs given like candy to the least qualified through affirmitive action?  All that tax money rewarding minorities like a jackpot for fertile women?

Yeah, we owe them.

I piss on white liberal scum.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2008, 08:37:13 PM by MarkQuinn »

Offline david1967

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Re: North Carolina and Indiana results?
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2008, 10:50:36 PM »
Yes, the White Liberals, full of guilt, are disgusting.  They will sacrifice America so that the U.S, in their words, "will finally repent for its past, historical, racial sins against African-Americans."  The under 30 crowd has been brainwashed by Obama and his hitler-like speaking ability.  The Black vote isn't surprising;  At least 30% of the Black community believes in the extermist hate of Rev. Wright, so what do you expect?
American Jews must make aliyah/immigrate to Israel if Obama becomes president; unfortunately, this appears to be a very likely scenario.  Obama will discontinue the Department of Homeland Security and provide illegal aliens with federal identification.  This will result in multiple terror attacks against synagogues and other Jewish institutions.  We will have to return to Israel, whether or not we want to leave the U.S., if we want to continue living a Jewish life.  At least, the Israeli army will protect us there.

Offline MarkQuinn

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Re: North Carolina and Indiana results?
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2008, 11:49:18 PM »

I've been talking to a guy from Israel over at LiveLeak.  He's very proud and very patriotic for Israel.  He says the liberal presence there is even worse than the US or Europe.  I don't know much about that but it would seem to make sense when you consider so many people there and their "give, give, give" mentality (yes, "give" the territory that Israel won fair and square after THEY were attacked --- go F yourself Jimmy Carter).

The IDF can't protect you if someone wants to bomb you in a disco, a pizza parlor or a bus.  The IDF can't protect you from Palestinian pigs who take, take and take yet again, and then when they can't take any more, resort to typical Muslim cowardice (some call it terrorism, I call it cowardice, which is the only way Muslims have ever known how to fight).  At least here in the US you have the luxury of size.  Many more targets means your odds of getting blasted are much smaller.  But ah well, we all die my friend ... the only tragedy is life lost for no good reason (something I'm learning presently as I watch a friend fight for her life in a hospital as we speak).

I don't fear terrorism.  Terrorists, in a way, do us a favor.  They EXPOSE Islam to the masses.  What frightens me more are the moderates.  The 40% of British Muslims who are clamoring for Sharia law.  Who are building a "Super Mosque" in Christian London (or what was once Christian London).  Who attend the most supposedly "mainstream" mosques in the UK, but then we see video from inside them and it's a level of hatred that would make Rev. Wright look like Martin Luther King.  Or Muslim taxi cab drivers in Minneapolis turning away passengers who carry bottles of duty free liquor.  Hordes who riot over cartoons of Mohammed.  Thugs who threaten LiveLead employees because of a video (Fitna) which they never endorsed, only hosted.  Fathers who think it's okay to come here and mutilate their daughters so that they never commit the horrible sin of "enjoying" their husbands.  Fathers who think it's okay to "honor kill" a daughter who falls in love with the wrong man.  Men who think it's okay to beat their wives.  Whole masses who reject the cultures and democracy of their host nations in favor of their own closed, backward ideas.  Muslim gangs who rape Scandinavian women, Australian women, Dutch and Belgian women because they aren't veiled or because their skirts are too short (and the liberal intelligensia who then asks "What can WE do to stop offending them?").  People who want OUR tax dollars to pay for public wash basins so they can clean their filthy feet before prayer.  Intimidation tactics that lead the the closure of a Mozart opera in Germany.  And then, of course, the special interest groups like CAIR which sue for any and every offense, doing their best to make it a Federal crime punishable by NOOSE for the mere act of even LOOKING at a Koran cross-eyed.

So you see, if terrorists can make the average person see Islam for the danger that it is --- terrorists who whack you over the head, speaking to people who NEED a good whack to the head to understand --- then, as I say, they're doing us a service, albeit an all too costly one. 

But how many more people have to die (and how many more books do people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali have to write) before the west wakes up and realizes that ALL of Islam, not just Bin Laden and his cronies --- is a threat to modern civilization?  Moreover, what has to happen before we wake up and realize that a freaking BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, good speaker or not, is dangerous merely because of what he might be --- and when it comes to our future and the future of our children, is he really worth the risk?

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Re: North Carolina and Indiana results?
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2008, 12:10:11 AM »
It's true that the Israeli Lefties are ready to give everything back, but not the rest of the population.  The Israeli government is forced to adopt certain policies, the return of Gaza, due to tremendous pressure from the U.S government, specifically George Bush and Condaleeza Rice. 
Gun violence in the U.S is excessive.  Despite suicide bombings in Israel, I believe Israel is just as safe as the U.S.  In Israel, I can be blown up in a bus, while in the U.S, I can be shot in a mall or at my job.  The security fence has greatly reduced the number of suicide bombings. 
How can Jews be expected to live in a nation with a Black, Muslim president who believes in Black supremacy and separatism?

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Re: North Carolina and Indiana results?
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2008, 12:24:05 AM »
Sheik Barack ibn Hussein ibn Osama bin Lyin is now winning 64% to 34% (and with that, please carry the torch and come up with even more derogatory ways to say his name --- you know, to pass the time).

How about Black Hussein Yomamma?
Me: Muslims get offended too easily.
Muslim: What!?  That is an outrage!  Take that back or I kill you!