Niggemeier published an article full of lies about JTF.
This is the published* answer of our good Chaim:
The original text here:
Stefan Niggemeier Versus Politically Incorrectby Chaim ben Pesach, JTF National Chairman
The extreme leftwing "journalist" Stefan Niggemeier has started a vicious smear campaign against Politically Incorrect (PI), a German blog which courageously exposes the truth about the mortal threat of Islamic terrorism.
Niggemeier hysterically attacks PI for accepting an advertisement from the Jewish Task Force (JTF).
Contrary to the deliberate lies in Niggemeier's article, here are the facts on JTF:
1. JTF is a legal organization in the United States and Israel. JTF has a popular television program in the U.S., which broadcasts four times a week. JTF has web sites in English and in Hebrew, and JTF has forums in English and in Hebrew. JTF has produced hundreds of videos which have hundreds of thousands of viewers.
2. Niggemeier falsely accuses JTF of being a terrorist group. In fact, JTF is an anti-terrorist organization which exposes the dangers of Islamic terrorism. It is Niggemeier who supports terrorism by attacking anyone who dares to tell the truth about Muslim terror.
3. Niggemeier falsely accuses JTF of racism. JTF is the ultimate anti-racist organization, fighting against the most notorious racism in history, which is anti-Semitism. Niggemeier, on the other hand, is a Jew-hating racist who supports the Muslim Nazis that seek to exterminate little Israel and commit a holocaust against 5 million Israeli Jews. The Muslim Nazis are the heirs to the legacy of the Third Reich. Anyone who defends the Muslim Nazis is promoting a new holocaust against the Jewish people. The anti-Semitism of Niggemeier is the ugliest form of racism known to humanity.
4. Niggemeier attacks me personally for leading a campaign to liberate Soviet Jewry. In the 1980s, I damaged Soviet diplomatic property to bring worldwide attention to the fact that Soviet Jews were being held hostage behind the Iron Curtain of oppression and injustice. No one was killed or injured in any of my actions, and there was no intention to kill or injure. I spent five and a half years in prison for damaging Soviet property. Niggemeier calls what I did "terrorism", but he will not condemn the Muslim PLO and Fatah who brutally murdered thousands of innocent men, women and children, and who continue to commit acts of mass murder to this day. Niggemeier's hypocrisy and double standard further prove that he is a Jew-hating defender of Muslim terrorism.
But the real issue in the dispute between Niggemeier and PI is Europe's future.
If you believe that tens of millions of Muslims should be permitted to flood into Europe, then you should support Niggemeier. But if you recognize that this policy is suicidal, then you should support and join PI.
If you are concerned about the fact that the Muslims have the highest birth rate in the world, and that Europeans have the lowest birth rate in the world, then you should support and join PI.
If you are concerned about the fact that hundreds of thousands of European youth are converting to Islam, then you should support and join PI.
If you are concerned about the fact that Western nations are sending trillions of dollars to Muslim terrorist regimes because of the West's addiction to oil, then you should support and join PI.
PI is a weblog that has the courage to say publicly what most Europeans privately think. Every sane European should salute Stefan Herre and PI for the vital work that they are doing to save Europe and the world from a catastrophe.
Nearly 6000 people have read the article and there are 159 comments. Mostly with one message:Thank you Chaim ben Pesach!

* PI has edited for legal reasons the point 3.