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Robert KKK Byrd Hospitalized
« on: June 02, 2008, 10:02:07 PM »

Sen. Byrd Hospitalized
 Share June 02, 2008 9:50 PM

ABC's Z. Byron Wolf reports: On the same day the second longest sitting senator had brain surgery, the longest sitting senator was hospitalized with a fever.

Ninety-year-old Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., was hospitalized tonight after staffers noticed he was lethargic at work and a caregiver discovered he had a high temperature.

He is remaining overnight on the advice of his doctor, according to his spokesman, Jesse Jacobs, who said he was unsure which hospital his boss was at.

It is unclear at this point if the hospitalization is anything more than precautionary.

Byrd, who has had a spate of health problems recently -- he fell and also had a bad reaction to antibiotics, both of which led to hospital stays earlier this year.

And he has been seen on the Senate floor giving speeches from a wheelchair of late.

But today he was at work and was the lone Democrat to join 13 Republicans in opposing a motion to consider a bill that would cap the amount of greenhouse gas U.S. companies can unleash.

Ever the representative of his coal-mining state and still the husband of a coal miner's daughter even though his wife Erma died in March of 2006 after 69 years of marriage, Byrd is very protective of the coal industry.

Rumblings from earlier in the year that he might be too infirmto maintain his chairmanship of the Appropriations Committee seemed to have quieted recently.

Staffers may have noticed lethargy, but his wit was on full display today when Byrd issued a stinging written rebuke to Vice President Cheney for an off-color remark Cheney made about West Virginians and the fact he is distant cousins with Barack Obama.

"That a man who has ascended to the seat of Vice President of the United States would openly display such contempt and astounding ignorance toward his own countrymen is an insult to all Americans," Byrd wote. "Now that he or the Administration he represents no longer needs their vote, Mr. Cheney apparently feels that he is now free to mock and belittle the people of West Virginia. With his trademark arrogance, the Vice President even added ‘You can say those things when you’re not running for re-election.’

"This pitiful comment is not entirely surprising when you consider the source. Vice President Cheney’s words reflect the attitude of an administration and a party that says what they must to get elected and then turns their backs on those they promised to represent."
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Re: Robert KKK Byrd Hospitalized
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 12:43:24 AM »
Can't he die any sooner?
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: Robert KKK Byrd Hospitalized
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 01:14:12 AM »
YES!!!!!!! Great news this pig should drop asap

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Robert KKK Byrd Hospitalized
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 01:27:17 AM »
I have always held the esteemed senior Senator Byrd in high regard.

He has always defended the Constitution and represented his people in good faith, as evidenced by their repeatedly sending him back to Washington.

Senator Byrd also plays a "mean" bluegrass fiddle.

He's always spoken truth to power, and spoken from his heart as well as his intellect.

Some of his detractors say he always pads bills with "pork" to send money back to his home state, and I'm sure this is true, and if you know how poor the population he represents has always been, you'll know why he tries to make life better for them.

West Virginia, as few today may know, is actually an "artificial" entity; forcibly broken off of what originally was The State of Virginia, as a punishment for the Confederacy.

Seems that the Yankees somehow thought that cutting Virginia in half would render it politically impotent and prevent any more secessions or rebellions.

West Virginia's population is almost 100% white Caucasian, and have deep roots in the land.

If you want to smear Robert Byrd by prefacing his title with KKK, then go ahead and do it every time you mention Harry Truman and the other "Knight Riders"!

If you ask me, we could do with a few more Robert Byrds, and a few less Barack Obamas and Hillary Clintons.

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Re: Robert KKK Byrd Hospitalized
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2008, 02:33:16 AM »
Can't he die any sooner?

  Well, Kennedy,- now Byrd, G-d have mercy, b/c I DONT.

  Murtha, and Carter.
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Re: Robert KKK Byrd Hospitalized
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2008, 06:42:12 AM »
May they all go to the ETERNAL grill very soon :)

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Re: Robert KKK Byrd Hospitalized
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2008, 07:13:39 AM »
Good things come to those who wait.