Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles
What Do You Think Of Pre-Marital Intimacy And/Or Touching?
--- Quote from: IslamIsCancer on May 22, 2008, 03:01:51 AM ---People will not support JTF if Chaim tries to ban things like this, Jews are not backward people they are very civilized they are basically Europeans. This kinda stuff can work in Iran but not in Israel.
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Civilized and Europeans are two words that do not go together. If you call the degenerate culture of Europe civilized then we have a problem as to where this movement is going.
JTF is not a libertarian free for all but a Jewish movement for restoring Judaism to Israel.
The problem is that too many Jews have become as HaRav Kahane would say Hellenized into thinking that Judaism is a Western Value.
Too quote HaRav Kahane "most Jews wouldn't know a Jewish concept if they tripped over one"
"Thomas Jefferson and John Locke do not express Jewish values"!!!
I agree with Mills. This is a religeous Jewish question.
Perhaps Yacov could have rephrased his question.
The word 'ban' is strong, yet vague.
White Israelite:
--- Quote from: Maimonides on May 22, 2008, 12:31:23 PM ---
--- Quote from: IslamIsCancer on May 22, 2008, 03:01:51 AM ---People will not support JTF if Chaim tries to ban things like this, Jews are not backward people they are very civilized they are basically Europeans. This kinda stuff can work in Iran but not in Israel.
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Civilized and Europeans are two words that do not go together. If you call the degenerate culture of Europe civilized then we have a problem as to where this movement is going.
JTF is not a libertarian free for all but a Jewish movement for restoring Judaism to Israel.
The problem is that too many Jews have become as HaRav Kahane would say Hellenized into thinking that Judaism is a Western Value.
Too quote HaRav Kahane "most Jews wouldn't know a Jewish concept if they tripped over one"
"Thomas Jefferson and John Locke do not express Jewish values"!!!
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Why does everyone bash Thomas Jefferson on here?
--- Quote from: Paulette on May 22, 2008, 12:16:25 PM ---Wow- what a thread to wake up to. Well, I believe that most people on this forum have convictions. These beliefs must be held into account by each individual. I shake hands and say hi to people I sense have good spirit, thats ME. However- sex b4 marriage? To be perfectly candid- women dont want this, they REALLY dont. I am talking of women of religious conviction. Good men are STRONG, and can handle this. Weaker men can't, they give over to their lusts- it just proves that lust & desire rules over religion, conviction and belief, which is sad. Women like to be courted, and wait for that most special night. Every good young woman, older as well, just believe that it is worth it, for their chastity. I am a TOTAL prude. Ask David ben Moshe. I am a PRUDE and PROUD of it. I am WORTH the wait, HE IS WORTH the wait. ;)
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I believe in waiting until marriage to have sex. I believe premarital sex is sinful. I also think it's sinful to lust after someone and imagine doing things to them in your mind even if you don't touch them. I just don't equate that to shaking hands with a business partner or brushing against someone in a crowd or a medical exam.
No idea Jefferson seemed to me as a nice enough guy ;D
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