Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles

What Do You Think Of Pre-Marital Intimacy And/Or Touching?

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Dr. Dan:

--- Quote from: Tzvi Ben Roshel on May 22, 2008, 01:11:09 PM ---
--- Quote from: Paulette on May 22, 2008, 12:16:25 PM ---Ask David ben Moshe. I am a PRUDE and PROUD of it. I am WORTH the wait, HE IS WORTH the wait. ;)

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 Isn't he Jewish and you are not?  ???
 Anyway dont worry you dont have to wait, but Jews have to.

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no paulette is jewish i'm pretty sure of it..am i right?

Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
I dont know if we would be able to contol outright banning right away, but it should definitly be in the atmosphere that such behavior is wrong and those who do soo should be put to shame. And that not only goes for the kids but also the parents (expecially of girls) who let their daughters go around on the streets not dressed properly, and the parents or guardians not knowing where and who she is with. 
 The most important thing is to set the right culture and way of thinking, through "Washing the brain" aka brainwashing, from all the filth that the Jewish Neshama might have contracted from the media and others.


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on May 22, 2008, 02:15:17 PM ---It's no fair to the woman if a man touches her because he gets sexual enjoyment from touching her. I will not shake an attractive woman's hand because I don't want to use her for enjoyment and because it is a sin to have such enjoyment from a woman other than my wife.

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I didn't realize men thought of sex when they shook someone's hand.

What concerns me is that women would be the ones being disadvantaged professionally because much of the business world is male and much of the medical profession is male. So if you're a female businessperson or doctor and you can't shake hands with a colleague or examine someone of the opposite gender then you're going to be severely disadvantaged compared to your male counterparts.


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on May 22, 2008, 02:15:17 PM ---It's no fair to the woman if a man touches her because he gets sexual enjoyment from touching her. I will not shake an attractive woman's hand because I don't want to use her for enjoyment and because it is a sin to have such enjoyment from a woman other than my wife.

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I don't think man get sexual enjoyment from hand shakes (with the possible exception of some weird fetishes), and if they do get sexual pleasure then they get it even more so from looking and hearing a woman, so men simply better behave themselves and if they can't their place is in the Zoo.

Moreover if you wouldn't shake the hand of attractive women I think you should avoid it altogether because otherwise you would be implicitly calling some woman unattractive and that might hurt them.


--- Quote from: מאיר כהן on May 22, 2008, 12:52:21 PM ---
--- Quote from: Maimonides on May 22, 2008, 12:31:23 PM ---
--- Quote from: IslamIsCancer on May 22, 2008, 03:01:51 AM ---People will not support JTF if Chaim tries to ban things like this, Jews are not backward people they are very civilized they are basically Europeans. This kinda stuff can work in Iran but not in Israel.

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Civilized and Europeans are two words that do not go together. If you call the degenerate culture of Europe civilized then we have a problem as to where this movement is going.

JTF is not a libertarian free for all but a Jewish movement for restoring Judaism to Israel.

The problem is that too many Jews have become as HaRav Kahane would say Hellenized into thinking that Judaism is a Western Value.

Too quote HaRav Kahane "most Jews wouldn't know a Jewish concept if they tripped over one"
"Thomas Jefferson and John Locke do not express Jewish values"!!!

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Why does everyone bash Thomas Jefferson on here?

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Thomas Jefferson was not a true G-d fearing Christian but a deist, which is similar to a secular humanist.

He only pretended to be a Christian for political reasons like many of the politicians of today. Jefferson gets way too much credit for his role in the founding of the U.S.

He despised real Christians and detested Jews, his phrase "wall of separation between Church and State" has become the shield for atheists to use against religious Christians in the U.S. And has become a standard that Israeli secularists seek to live up to.

Jefferson was not even involved in writing the U.S. Constitution because he was the U.S. minister to France at the time, and later supported the Jacobin faction during the French Revolution.


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