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The Righteous Black Man from Zimbabwe
« on: May 25, 2008, 07:10:08 AM »
The Righteous Black Man from Zimbabwe

A black man who knows the truth about Africa - Collen Makumbirofa - He is a committed conservative Christian who believes that the ANC is evil and that the whites of South Africa are busy being exterminated in an ANC sponsored genocide.

Collen Makumbirofa also believes that the gun controls of South Africa and Zimbabwe are obvious plans to keep the people of the nation defensless so that the evil governments may control and commit genocide without retaliation from the innocent.

This man gives me some hope that not all blacks are the same! Lets face it, most of them are evil, but there are righteous blacks!




We need to praise G-d that Morgan Tsvangirai (MDC), the new president of Zimbabwe has rejected South African president Thabo Mbeki as mediator in the crisis in Zimbabwe. Morgan is President because he won 28 March 2008 presidential elections. Good that the MDC has separated from Mbeki's ANC which legalised abortion, pornography, and homosexual marriages.

Mbeki, we don't want him in Zimbabwe, he can't solve anything. First of all he must mediate about problems in his country, violent crime, murder, rape which is widespread in South Africa. In South Africa criminals have more rights than police and civilians.

Civilians are being disarmed in face of violent crime occurring every day. We need to understand why the ANC supports Mugabe. The ANC came to power through terrorism – the Umukhonto WeSizwe (ANC military wing) was planting bombs in market places murdering innocent man, women and children.

The ANC is completely ungodly. It legalised: homosexual marriages, murder of unborn children, and pornography. These are the evils which are rejected by G-d and Churches worldwide. Since 1994 more than 400 000 children have been murdered through abortion. The ANC is trying to remove G-d from every area of life; from the public school to the streets and from the family to the parliament.

Pornography in South Africa is sold everywhere. This is corrupting minds of young people and is fueling rape and disrespect of women. South African women need to be liberated from rape, pornography and abject poverty.

Millions of South Africans have no jobs. Millions live in shacks. Thousands are beggars in streets. It’s all hopeless. The ANC government of president Mbeki is a failure and a shame to us Africans. Mbeki cannot challenge Mugabe. He does not have a basis. He has failed in building a better South Africa, how can he help Zimbabwe get true freedom and justice from Mugabe's (ZANU PF) tyrant?

At a Christian conference, one Bishop in Cape Town was asked about the abbreviation for South African ANC government. He said, 'ANC STANDS FOR ABORTION, NEPOTISM AND CORRUPTION.' I AGREE WITH THIS.

The ANC has also launched a new apartheid against whites. Whites are discriminated in jobs and are blamed for everything. ANC is racist too. We want a better Africa with servant leaders who respect all colors, tribes and genders.

Let Mr. Mbeki first mediate about widespread violent crime, abortion, pornography, abject poverty and homosexual marriages in South Africa and then come to Zimbabwe.

I don't trust the whole ANC, even Jacob Zuma its new president. Recently Zuma attracted widespread newspaper coverage when he condemned the situation in Zimbabwe. That is good. But he might be doing it just to get support of the West. Don't talk act. If Zuma is genuine he will support oppressed Zimbabweans. Stop deportation of Zimbabweans.

Black governments in Africa are very corrupt (With the exception of Botswana which is making good progress).They are not even ashamed of corruption. If you think this is not true come to South Africa, you will witness it yourselves.

Pass our information to others. Africa is still dark. Support Africans campaigning for true human rights and Churches which are speaking the truth about every area of life. Always remember Zimbabwe battling for freedom, truth and justice. The struggle in Zimbabwe is for all humanity. Join others to make history in this G-d's land. The world will accept some years after Mugabe is gone that genocide has occurred between between 2001 and 2008.

Collen Makumbirofa
Foundation of Reason & Justice
Fax 0027 86 6502 828
Cell 073 7172 719
Cell 0027 73 7172 719 (when out of South Africa)
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Posted By: Collen Makumbirofa
Foundation of Reason & Justice

Email: [email protected]

A Zimbabwean View of Tyranny, Pacifism & the Bible

Collen Makumbirofa

For decades the majority of church leaders have been preaching pacifism. Self – defense is regarded as vengeance. Every war is condemned. Peace is idolized – ‘peace, peace at any price.’ Christian crusades who resisted Islamic invasions have been also condemned. Wars that led us to the freedoms we have are treated lightly. Reformers who led us to obtain liberty and the Bible in our languages are disregarded.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is said to have nothing to do with politics.  This is heresy. During His time on earth Christ took an extreme political position. Jesus challenged the existing political and social order when He announced a new government, the Kingdom of God and declaring himself as the Head.

Refusing to worship Caesar was high treason punishable by death. When the Laws of God conflicted with those of Caesar, Christ required His disciples to obey God.

Christ’s Revolution was the greatest of all time; it continues to affect millions of lives centuries after His death. The Holy Roman Empire was turned upside down by Christ's Revolution.

In the Bible God led wars. Many of God’s men were soldiers. Imagine King David, General Joshua, Gideon etc… Pacifism is always wrong. We are not in Heaven yet.  Human nature is depraved and at times need to be restrained by force when defending the nation against terrorists and vicious tyrants. Many Christian pacifists want people to live on Earth as if they are already in Heaven: don’t carry a gun, don’t resist robbers, and don’t fight tyranny… But the Bible teaches that the heart of man is desperately wicked. And human nature is bent on doing evil. In His wisdom, God has instituted the government of state (Romans 13), in order to restrain evil by protecting innocent man and punishing the wicked.

There are times when it becomes necessary to resist tyranny by force. I’m talking about using guns to fight terrorists and dictators. In the personal realm when attacked by criminals it is lawful to use necessary force to resist the attack. Pacifists want to substitute action with prayer. There is time for everything. Prayer is the foundation for action. But you can’t just pray when you are suppose to act and protect yourself, your family or your neighbor.

I will never be a pacifist. If a lawful authority (Romans 13) calls me to be a soldier to shoot the terrorist, to arrest the murderers, robbers and rapists, I will be very glad to join and do that to the glory of God.

Not every war or action is right. I know there are those who misuse the Law or twist words. The Bible defines the legitimate use of sword. The American founding fathers, in line with the Bible, considered the American Revolution as a righteous action. According to the pacifist view the American Revolution is wrong because it killed British soldiers. Wait, Roman 13 required the American colonies to obey the British authorities for conscience sake, they say.

In the ancient world, the word tyranny meant ruling without God. Governments are required to rule in terms of God Laws – Romans 13. When government still protects its law-abiding citizens that is good. When it still gives people room for free and fair elections, that is good. In such circumstances there is no room for lesser authorities to take military action against ungodly government that still protects its citizens. What is needed here is to convince the electorate to vote otherwise. The Church’s duty is to preach the Biblical Gospel and educate people about elections (Exodus 18:20) and Biblical view of state governments.

It becomes lawful to take military action when tyranny starts to murder thousands of its innocent people; to deliberately starve its citizens; to torture and murder its opposition leaders; destroy homes of its innocent citizens; destroy business, and so-called informal business, of its law abiding citizens; to rig elections; to ban and destroy independent newspapers; to torture innocent citizens who refuse to support it or who speak against its corruption and oppression.

Those in authority, lower magistrates, or opposition leaders, can take military action against tyranny. Individuals cannot take military action. Those in authority, or those appointed by opposition leaders, must pioneer any military action against tyranny. The same rule applies for assassination of a dictator. Those in authority, or delegated, can plan to remove a wicked ruler.

God is not a pacifist. In the Bible God used His people to overthrow or kill dictators. God doesn’t change, Malachi 3:6. 2 Timothy 3:16, tells us that all Scriptures are inspired and useful for instruction.

Jesus Christ did not come to abolish the Law and prophets. “Do not think I have come to abolish the Law and Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them…” Matthew 5:17

Pacifism is a form of humanism that believes that man is basically good, therefore his life must not be taken in any circumstances. This view is unchristian.  God wants murderers, rapists and robbers to be put to death by a lawful authority – by the State. In self-defense one is authorized to take the life of the assailant, if the intent of the attack is murder.

It is disastrous for Christians to be pacifists. This world is at war with God and His people. Christians may choose to be pacifists. But enemies of the Church who are moslems, humanists, and communists will not be pacifists. Even if we desire peace there will always be evil people who want to enslave, attack and oppress others. Therefore military action is needed, either for self-defense, or in war of liberating oppressed people. To say every war, or killing, is wrong is illogical and unbiblical.

Christians must not be afraid of teaching the whole counsel of God for fear of being misunderstood or twisted. Nothing in the Bible is free from being misunderstood or twisted.

Pacifists are preparing nations for slavery. All pacifists are hypocrites. Expecting others to continue suffering under tyranny, without resisting it in an appropriate way, is wrong and hypocrisy.

When all avenues to resist tyranny fail, the last resort is the use of force, military action. This world is full of unrelenting wicked people; man must be read for action. There are times when Tyranny must be resisted by force. Soldiers in war must refrain from attacking civilians, bombing shops and stealing from people. Real soldiers go for the enemy soldiers. Cowards are courageous at killing civilians and destroying property.  The wise army does not destroy the people or property it intends to save.

Enemies captured must be treated well and receive the Gospel of Salvation. God watches the conduct of soldiers and will not bless soldiers who abuse their authority. It is appointed for man to die once and face judgment. On the Judgment Day soldiers will be accountable for their behavior.

5 Hated Things

(1) A government that disarms its people.

(2) Appeasing or compromising with tyranny.

(3) The desire for a negotiated peace or compromise of true freedom.

(4) Pacifism and talking when l should be fighting.

(5) Begging another man or country to bring freedom to my own country.

Collen Makumbirofa

Foundation of Reason & Justice

[email protected]

Sent by:

Frontline Fellowship
P O Box 74
Newlands 7725
Cape Town, RSA
[email protected]
Tel: 021-689-4480
Fax: 021-685-5884

Gun free Zone Slogan of Hypocrites. Innocent & responsible Africans need Guns

 4 June 2006

 We cannot listen to the Christian pacifist, self-seeking politicians, the humanist or the moral relativist who are campaigning against guns. In Africa we need G-d and guns in order to secure and preserve that vestige of freedom we have. We need to be suspicious of people who condemn guns instead of condemning evil hearts and preach the Gospel that convert people. When ownership of guns by innocent people is condemned by self-seeking religious and Civil leaders, criminals and potential criminals feel happy. What is the basis of condemning guns in the hands of innocent citizens and potential victims of crime? The objective truth in the bible does not condemn guns nor forbid Christians to own them.

Many Christians have told me that if the Lord Jesus Christ is your personal Savior you are protected by the Holy Spirit therefore there is no need to keep a gun. Its true that we are protected by the Holy Spirit but what about Christians who have been robbed, rapped, enslaved and physically assaulted? Do they have Holy Spirit? Weapons are not evil Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior commanded His disciples to buy swords (Luke 22:36). Some people have tried to spiritualise this. Before long we see the disciple Peter striking the servant of the High Priest with a sword. Jesus condemned that because He was supposed to be arrested and killed for our sins. ("Shall l not drink the cup the father has given me", John 18:11).
In other words the disciples were now standing in G-d’s way and didn’t wait for Jesus Christ to answer their question in Luke 22:49, "Lord shall we strike with our swords? The swords that the disciples were carrying were not spoons but weapons. If disciples in the company of the Lord could carry weapons what about us today?

In Christianity there is such a thing as a just war, righteous revolution against tyranny and physical resistance of criminals. We must not have a romantic picture of Christianity. G-d always protect us and we must always bear in mind that we have our own responsibilities - self-defence and provision to our families. Tyrants, potential tyrants and their supporters are very comfortable with unarmed citizens. In Africa, during the time of slave trade guns saved many tribes from being enslaved. During this period of slave trade, strong Chiefs were attacking and raiding weaker tribes so as to sell them to Arab slave traders. The tribes who accessed guns and ammunitions perfectly defended their children, women and property. Some centuries ago our Chiefs did not forbid their subjects from owning weapons. The idea that citizens should not own weapons is unAfrican.

Gun Free Campaign Zone has its roots in Marxism, which require power to reside in State only. The State is not the only institution with rights and responsibilities. The idea that innocent people should not own guns is anathema and nonsense in a truly Christian society. Most nations with majority of people who do not practice all tenants of Christian faith become an easy target for man-made poverty, tyranny, abuse and chronic violence. The future of Africa depends upon G-d’s truth about everything including guns. Christians we are becoming cheap, gullible and an easy target for manipulation and abuse. G-d gave us a responsibility of self-defence. Self-defence must not be used as a pretext for murder. G-d has established individual, family, Church, Community and State governments. Each government is accountable to G-d.

In a modern humanistic society the State is accountable to none except to itself. And compel all other forms of governments to be accountable to it, which is the root of all tyranny. Africa is a continent of conflicts. We need to be wise and be ready for action. A just war is not evil in the sight of G-d. I’m not saying every war is right nor am l a warmonger. It’s not a sin for a Christian to participate in a just war. Without guns American Revolution couldn't have succeeded. With guns the Christian South Sudan managed to prevent slavery of National Islamic Front government. According to the Christian pacifist American Revolution that overthrew the oppressive British control was wrong. The Christian South Sudan should have limited itself to prayer and not have physically resisted the Islamic Slavery. State laws that intend to ban guns in hands of innocent Citizens are from Hell not Heaven. Christians are not obliged to obey such laws. We need to bypass some stupid humanistic laws. Most of the gun free zone campaigners are hypocrites because they have guns or intend to have guns. Or there are hypocrites because gun free campaign is not based on unchanging truth and love but on selfishness. Gun free zone is a slogan of hypocrites. South Africa

Its sad that in South Africa guns have been found guilt and sentenced to banishment. The problems of crime in South Africa are due to State's inability to combat crime, and to distribute appropriate punishment to capital offenders such as murderers, rapist, robbers, kidnappers and homosexuals (according to the moral laws in the bible these capital offences deserve death sentence).

Moral relativism (the idea that there is no objective, unchanging truth) in South Africa is resulting in lack of appreciation for the dignity and sacredness of human life. Murderers, rapist, kidnappers and robbers get better treatment and better lives in boarding Schools (Jails), whereas unborn babies get death sentence, Women and Children are denied sufficient protection. We need to tell the ANC Government that ownership of guns is next to the constitution in importance. We need also to tell the UN (which is sponsoring gun free zone campaigns) that we suspect any institution that supports the disarming of innocent citizens. South Africa is on the road to Zimbabwe. Racism against whites and hatred against minorities especially by state officials is increasing. Envy and coveteousness has gathered momentum.

South Africans need to wake up and brace up for the challenges ahead. We need to do away with blind faith in civil leaders. Majority of African political leaders have brought absolute nothing after independence except genocides, poverty, starvation, and wholesale of human rights abuse. Ghana, Mozambique, Zambia, Angola, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Ivory Coast have seen some or all of these problems.


When Mugabe's government was banning guns people thought he is a good father who wants to protect and provide them with cradle to grace security. Now Zimbabwe is a gun free Zone for criminals (government leaders and partisans) to do whatever they want. In the early 1980s if the Ndebele people had guns that could have prevented a massacre of almost 40 000 people. Now Mugabe is on the second genocide that some Christians, intellectuals are denying is taking place. Probably the current genocide will be accepted decades after Mugabe is gone. If Zimbabweans were armed we could be in a civil war, which is better than deaths of hundreds of thousands and enslavement of millions.

Gun free zone campaign is based on immaturity. Dr. Derek Carlsen has defined immaturity as being ignorant of long-term consequences of certain ideas. "Are we immature? Not knowing the long term consequences of certain ideas, or being afraid to stand against ideas that have disastrous consequences, or denying your responsibility in relation to such ideas are All manifestations of immaturity. The immature person wants the comfort, riches, ease, peace, security, freedom etc, that life offers, however, he believes he is owed these things by "right". He rejects the notion that the basis for and preservation of these things demands his own diligent hard work and watchfulness. Thus, through wilful ignorance, laziness or indifference, the immature person surrenders his freedom and slips into bondage. Since he refuses to assume personal responsibility, under G-d, for the regulation of life, he grants someone else the right to control everything-including his own life", Dr. Derek Carlsen (Muse Time paper 7, May 1998, Zimbabwe).

Let’s Pray for South Africa, so that it will realize the implication of banning guns. Let’s pray for all the people who are campaigning for ban of guns so that they will realise the truth of G-d.

Mr. Collen Makumbirofa
Foundation of Reason & Justice
P.O. BOX 61885 Marshall town 2107 South Africa

« Last Edit: May 25, 2008, 07:18:18 AM by AriseSouthAfrica »
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)