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Barr Polling 7% in Potential Presidential Bid
« on: May 26, 2008, 05:50:41 AM »
We are in real trouble if these numbers are correct then most of the 7% will come from Republicans and will help Barack Hussein Obama

Atlanta, GA - In a survey commissioned last week by the Bob Barr 2008 Presidential Exploratory Committee, seven percent of likely voters responded that they would vote for the former Georgia congressman for president if he were on the ballot in November. Shortly after Ross Perot announced he was re-entering the presidential race in October 1992, he polled at seven percent. Barr is considering whether to seek the nomination of the Libertarian Party for president.

According to the latest poll, Barr enjoys 36 percent name recognition. When questions were asked reminding voters about Barr’s role in the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton, and about the reasons why Barr left the Republican Party to join the Libertarian Party, Barr’s seven percent rose to nine percent against Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain. He polled at eleven percent against Hillary Clinton and John McCain.

Russell Verney, Ross Perot’s former campaign manager and a volunteer with the Barr Exploratory Committee commented, “Bob Barr’s name recognition and voter support are tremendous considering he has never run as a national candidate and has yet to spend any money on advertising. In the event Bob Barr officially enters the race, he will already be half way to qualifying for the fall Presidential debates.”

The telephone survey of 1,000 ‘Likely Voters’ was conducted by Pulse Opinion Research on April 3, 2008. Pulse Opinion Research, LLC is an independent public opinion research firm using automated polling methodology and procedures licensed from Rasmussen Reports, LLC. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.

The Libertarian Party, America’s oldest and largest third party, formed in 1971, is on track to achieve ballot access in at least 48 states. Its nominee will be chosen at the Libertarian National Convention which will be held in Denver, CO May 22 through 26.

**Article taken from
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Barr Polling 7% in Potential Presidential Bid
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2008, 11:54:07 PM »
While that number may end up being much lower (around 3%) its still might end up costing Mccain the election.  Lets hope Nader has something to say about this.


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Re: Barr Polling 7% in Potential Presidential Bid
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2008, 03:04:44 PM »
Barr can only suck my ...!!! I'd give him the most 2%!!!

Offline Srdjan97

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Re: Barr Polling 7% in Potential Presidential Bid
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2008, 03:25:25 PM »
I wish McCain isn't anti Serb, that way I could participate in your fight against Obama. That [censored] was helping Albanians with fund raising and weapons! G-d is watching and he'll rot in hell for that.

Offline Katie

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Re: Barr Polling 7% in Potential Presidential Bid
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2008, 12:29:59 AM »
ugh i hope this doesnt help obama, that would suck!
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