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Obamamania Infects Germany- Hopefully its Lethal!
« on: May 26, 2008, 11:20:06 AM »
                                                          'Germany Is Obamaland'
Berlin political circles -- both liberal and conservative -- are fawning over US presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama. Many in Germany see him as a cross between John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., but expectations may be exaggerated.
Frank-Walter Steinmeier had hoped to meet personally, but Barack Hussein Obama has a lot on his plate at the moment and Germany's foreign minister had to make do with a telephone conversation with the presidential candidate during his recent visit to Washington. Still, that's all it took to stir Steinmeier's enthusiasm for the candidate.

The American may be deep in the midst of a campaign, but members of Steinmeier's entourage told SPIEGEL that Obama's foreign policy questions were very engaged, and he peppered his conversation with questions about the German foreign minister's views on Russia, Iran and Afghanistan.
The conversation lasted about 15 minutes and was very focused. Obama's rhetorical "cruising altitude," was apparently quite high, an advisor to Steinmeier said. At the end of the conversation, the Democratic presidential candidate promised to come to Germany as soon as possible.

The few minutes spent on the telephone gave Steinmeier the impression that Obama is prepared to fundamentally reconsider the course of US foreign policy. Steinmeier was impressed, and only a day later he publicly outed himself as the senator's latest fan. "Yes we can," the minister, not known for his emotional outbursts, chanted, evoking Obama's campaign slogan during a speech at Harvard University. Steinmeier used the term to express his desire for a renewal of trans-Atlantic relations.
But the foreign minister hasn't been alone in his admiration for the candidate -- Berlin has been teeming with Obamamania for weeks now. Even conservatives are taken by the Democrat. After the Bush era, Chancellor Angela Merkel of the conservative Christian Democrats can easily imagine working together with a liberal Democrat in the White House. And Norbert Röttgen, chief whip for the Christian Democrats in parliament, sees Obama as the messenger of a new wave of politics that could also provide a model for Germany.

"Germany is Obamaland," says Karsten Voigt, the German government's coordinator for trans-Atlantic relations. He says Germans see the African-American senator as a kind of "mixture of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr."

People are projecting their hopes and dreams on Obama, adds Constanze Stelzenmüller of the German Marshall Fund in Berlin. He's perceived here as peace-loving and cooperative, and those are the kind of traits Germans admire in a foreign politician.

Obama's Republican contender John McCain (more...) is viewed with greater skepticism in Berlin, where the 71-year-old Vietnam veteran is considered by many to be a Cold War relic. McCain, for example, announced that he wanted to kick Russia out of the G-8 and instead found a "League of Democracies" that, in emergencies, could also circumvent the United Nations around the world. Those aren't the kind of words that get a warm welcome in Germany.

McCain is not an unknown quantity in Germany, either. As a dyed in the wool trans-Atlanticist, he regularly participates in the annual Munich Security Conference. The senator has a reputation there for his sharp attacks against German politicians -- his fits of rage are feared and his political positions are known because of the numerous debates he has taken part in.
Obama, though, is less known. The best even the most dialled-in US experts in Berlin have managed is a handshake with the senator. He routinely denies requests from members of the German parliament to visit with him in Washington. Most of the information they have on Obama comes either from YouTube films or the papers. "Obama has no relationship with Europe whatsoever," said Hans-Ulrich Klose, the foreign policy spokesman for the center-left Social Democrats.

Still, if Obama becomes president, many Germans are hoping for a political honeymoon that lasts for at least a few months. Veteran diplomats believe there will be a "window of opportunity" that will make new initiatives possible.

But most believe the honeymoon won't last too long, experts agree. "The Germans' hopes are almost excessive," says government coordinator Voigt. "Some trans-Atlantic problems won't simply disappear because Obama is president." Obama, too, he said, would be willing to deploy troops without first getting permission from the United Nations.

"Disappointment with Barack Hussein Obama is a foregone conclusion," added the German Marshall Fund's Stelzenmüller.

Offline underthesun

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Re: Obamamania Infects Germany- Hopefully its Lethal!
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2008, 11:35:51 AM »
Frank-Walter Steinmeier will probably be our next chancellor in 2009.

The germans view Obama as a black leftist. That is all that the media tells us.
We're so superficial.
Most germans say: "It is time for a black US-President"
Or: "Finally we get rid of Bush"

Nobody knows that he is an Arab from Kenia.

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Re: Obamamania Infects Germany- Hopefully its Lethal!
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2008, 11:40:27 AM »
Are there any black prominent politicians in Germany that you can name?
Perhaps one of them will run for the office of Chancellor one day... how would that sit with the German people?

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Re: Obamamania Infects Germany- Hopefully its Lethal!
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2008, 11:43:09 AM »
Frank-Walter Steinmeier is a leftist
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Offline underthesun

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Re: Obamamania Infects Germany- Hopefully its Lethal!
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2008, 04:51:41 PM »
Are there any black prominent politicians in Germany that you can name?
Perhaps one of them will run for the office of Chancellor one day... how would that sit with the German people?

I wish Obama were just black ...

No, I don't know a black german politican. Germany has nearly no colonial past in Africa and no experiences with slaves. There are only very very few blacks here. And when you pass them, they usually speak french.
Germans would probably like a black chancellor.

We have a lot of turks and communists. Most of the turks were secular, but muslims are on the rise.

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Re: Obamamania Infects Germany- Hopefully its Lethal!
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2008, 05:01:22 PM »
I believe the government likes him because the government is very socialist and they know Obama is also very socialist.

It makes my heart ache to think of how sick the land of my ancestors has grown.

If anything is lethal then I hope it's lethal to socialism and gives people in Germany (my kin) a chance to wake up and turn to a righteous path. I hope they do that before the Muslims destroy them all.

My grandfather fought against Nazis in WW2 and I've always honored him for that. Even though the Nazis were overthrown (Thank God) their effects are still harming Europe, especially Germany, today. I think Europe is being punished for allowing that to happen by God allowing the Muzzies in and for that cancer called socialism to take over.

 I wish I could go over there now and fight against the current Nazis ruining their own nation. It's very sad to think that people like that could be the majority. I bet it wasn't like that when my great great grandaddy and his wife moved here to Texas from Budesheim.

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Re: Obamamania Infects Germany- Hopefully its Lethal!
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2008, 06:57:20 PM »
Frank-Walter Steinmeier is dreck.

Everytime I see this guy, I remember his rap with Muhabet and his statements that Turkey belongs to the EU.

Merkel's days as chancellor are counted.

Perhaps the left will get the office of the President with support of the communists.

But shure is, that the so called conservatives and transatlantic politicians will loose the next elections. They have since years no longer the structural majority.

More welfare, more Muzzies, no personal freedom and no economic freedom.

Germany will be in a few years a state like Hugo Chavez's Venezuela. C.F. was right.

I don't doubt, that the most politicans and people in Germany love Obama.  ::)
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Offline Eliezer Ben Avraham

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Re: Obamamania Infects Germany- Hopefully its Lethal!
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2008, 11:07:33 PM »
Germany has been far left for a while, no surprise they support Obama