Can someone explain to me what beliefs the rabbis at this conference reference when they state that the creation of the state of Israel is illegal and not G-d's will? Are they truly rabbis?
This position that you speak of is one that most rabbis in poland had . Most of those jews were murdered in the holocaust.
There is one group called Satmar, that hold like that, that planned to hold a protest to coincide with the "salule to israel" parade. They refused to stand with arabs. They will not stand with our enemies. The police didn't give them a separate area so they refused to protest.
This group you speak of. Neturei Karta, who went to the conference, are considered off the radar, because they stand with our enemies. This is not mainstream.
They are real rabbis since there is no reason to think that they do not have smicha - rabbinical ordination. If they didn't have smicha then it would be a big story and we would know by now.
There are different branches of neturei karta, not all of them stand with our enemies. The more vocal ones do.
There is a british branch led by rabbi israel domb, that does not stand with our enemies. It is only an extreme branch of neturei karta in america that travels the world standing with our enemies, doing anything to get their message out.
They believe that G-d wants us in exile, and not ruling in israel, and we have to wait till the messiah comes. They still see it as holy land to live in. But groups like the extreme branches of neturei karta are insane, in not even wanting to say israel, and when talking to people often they refuse to say it in hebrew either because that might loook like they legitimise having a state.
They wnat us ruling neither a religious state or a secular state. They think we cannot rule at all.
We have 2 ignoramouses here who would probably say that satmar aren't jews. One is a gentile, the other is jewish, but stupid and mad. You don't have to take my word for it about satmar though. Chaim has posted about it. And rabbi kahane has writted about it. There are some bad satmar though, chaim has spoken about that and he encoutnered that when he was on radio with rabbi kahane..