Author Topic: Obama Sees Dead Fallen Heroes Amongst Audience On Memorial Day!  (Read 1108 times)

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Rush Limbaugh analyzes Obama's stupidity:

RUSH:  Our buddies at actually listened to Obama's Memorial Day speech (thank goodness they did, because I didn't), and they report some of the transcript. Not the whole transcript, but a lot of it.  And here are some of the things that Obama said. In addition to saying on, "This Memorial Day as our nation honors its own broken line of fallen heroes..." By the way, let me see.  I just got 34,000 sound bites here at two minutes after... Let me see if we've got any of this, if we got Obama.  Don't worry, Cookie. If we don't, it isn't any big deal.  I'm just checking.  Let's see.  Yeah.  Play cut 16.  We have this one at least.  This is Obama seeing dead people in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

OBAMA:  On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.

RUSH:  Now, a lot of people say, "Rush, don't harp on this. He's just trying to be nice."  Look, I wouldn't harp on it if this wasn't gaffe number one million.  I don't think he knows what Memorial Day is.  We honor the dead who have served the country; they can't possibly be anywhere where Obama sees them. (interruption) Yes!  What do you mean...? Do I mean what?  I don't think he understands. I think he probably confuses Memorial Day and Veterans Day.  Memorial Day he probably thinks we're saluting all veterans, and that we do it again on Veterans Day.  I know he's running for president, but what percentage of high school graduates -- whether they can read their diplomas or not -- even know what Memorial Day is?  And you know that by the time Obama gets to university such as, where did he go, Harvard?  Those people hate the military there.  They do everything to keep recruiters off campus.  They probably disparage Memorial Day and all sorts of things because we're celebrating, you know, warriors and barbarians and rapists and murderers -- which is the left's view of the US military.  Let me put it this way, Snerdley, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't know what Memorial Day is.  But it's even worse if he does know, if he knows we're honoring the dead. Because somebody wrote the damn speech! He doesn't do a speech like this that is not written, somebody had to write the thing.  Here, listen to it again, audio sound bite 16.

OBAMA:  On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.

RUSH:  Yeah, maybe by fallen he thinks by Memorial Day we honor the injured.  "Our fallen heroes, many..." Here, listen to this again and imagine any Republican saying this. The only other guy who could get away with saying this much stupid stuff is Charles Barkley.

OBAMA:  On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them the audience here today --

RUSH:  I can't believe this!

OBAMA:  -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.

RUSH:  Do you want to hear some other things he said?  He said we're going to have hundreds of thousands of new veterans coming in, many of them -- he's talking about veterans who are alive here, on Memorial Day.  Now, you contrast that to the president. Here.  I think it's on the last page.  Yeah, grab number 26.  No.  Grab 24, 25, 26, and have them standing by.  It's Bush yesterday in Arlington, who knows what Memorial Day is.  He routinely goes to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier -- and, Senator Obama, there's nobody alive in there.  Here's what else Obama said.  "We're going to have hundreds of thousands of new veterans coming in, many of whom suffer posttraumatic stress disorder.  They are not being diagnosed quickly enough; they are not getting the service that they need quickly enough -- sadly, the group of veterans probably bearing most negativity in this area are women veterans.  We gotta do a better job of creating facilities," and the idiot audience started applauding.  Then he continued.  "Part of what we need is to recognize that oftentimes our women service members are more prone to posttraumatic stress disorder partly because they -- and there's a sad but real problem of sexual harassment, sexual abuse for women veterans and that makes them much more prone, then, to have posttraumatic stress disorder."
This speech is on Memorial Day where we are honoring the nation's dead war veterans!  This doesn't make sense whether he knows what Memorial Day is or not.  If this many women are being sexually abused, get 'em outta there!  Wouldn't that be the thing to do? Get them out of there, if there's this big a problem. This guy's a waking liberal cliche.  This guy is merely a sponge.  He soaks up all the liberalism that he's heard throughout his life.  He hasn't had one original thought.  Just like that comment we are 3% of the world's population and have 25% of the world's resources that we steal and use.  I mean, I've been hearing that since 1980.  That's out of the liberal playbook page.  Now, here's an interesting thing from Rasmussen.  Rasmussen Reports' polling unit.  "As Obama inches closer to formally wrapping up the nomination, the number of Democrats who want Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race has declined.  The latest Rasmussen Reports national phone survey finds..." This is from last Friday; this is probably before the Bobby Kennedy comment. Yeah, it was. Its 10:08 a.m.  A national telephone survey back then found "that just 32% of Democrats now think that Clinton should withdraw from the race, down from 38%."

I don't know if that would still hold up today.  But if it holds up, there's gotta be a reason for this and that's 'cause the rest of the Democratic Party knows that Obama is stupid.  Is that too harsh a word?  Well, no, it's not.  Let me try it this way.  Barack Obama is the first generation to run for president of the United States who was educated totally in the indoctrination mills known as public education and private universities.  It's not that he's not smart; he may be.  I doubt that he's smart.  I mean, he's affirmative action guy.  It's that he is not educated.  That's why all the gaffes.  He is not educated.  I believe he doesn't know what Memorial Day is.  He does now, but before yesterday, he didn't know.  He is not educated.  The things that he has been learned... (laughter) Sorry. The things that he has learned, the things which have been taught to him... You can hear it in his speech.  He does not respect this country. He does not like it. He sees nothing but its flaws.  He has no concept of American exceptionalism because he's never been taught about it. All 57 states! He doesn't like all 57 states.  He's been to most of them. 

He said he's been to almost all 57 states in the campaign.  Here's the bottom line.  As far as the Drive-Bys and the people that assess these things are concerned: If you're liberal, you're smart.  That's just it.  That's the explanation of Mrs. Clinton being referred to as the Smartest Woman in the World.  Do you think John Kerry's smart?  This guy is a walking, bungling, effete snob who doesn't know diddly-squat.  He talks and talks and talks, he says nothing, but the liberal Drive-Bys eat it up and they eat it up now with Obama because -- guess what? -- he's smarter than the Drive-Bys. He must be. He went to Harvard.  But wait.  George W. Bush went to Harvard and yet he's an idiot.  So that proves the point here that only liberals are smart.  Think about this.  What if Obama is the classic affirmative action result? That is, someone who could not have gotten into Harvard without affirmative action and probably didn't get outta Harvard without affirmative action; now is the poster child for what's wrong with affirmative action.  Think anybody in the Drive-Bys is going to let that slip out?  And think about this, too.  The libs don't have any trouble arguing that Bush is dumb and stupid and only got into Harvard by way of legacy -- you know, his old man.  They argue that's bad, that that's unfair. "Legacy affirmative action, that's not good."  So why is real affirmative action any less pernicious? Here's Bush.  This is Bush on Memorial Day.  This is at Arlington National Cemetery.  By the way, Obama, this is where dead heroes who have served in the military and others are buried.  It's right near Washington.  You can see it up there.

THE PRESIDENT:  A few moments ago I placed a wreath upon the tomb of three brave Americans who gave their lives in service to our nation.  The names of these honored are known only to the Creator who delivered them home from the anguish of war, but their valor is known to us all.  It's the same valor that endured the stinging cold of Valley Forge. It is the same valor that planted the proud colors of the great nation on the mountaintop on Iwo Jima. It is the same valor that charged fearlessly through the assault of enemy fire from the mountains of Afghanistan to the deserts of Iraq.  It is the valor that has defined the armed forces of the United States of America throughout our history.

RUSH:  That is George W. Bush -- the "stupid, dumb, can't speak" George W. Bush -- at Arlington National Cemetery.  Here again, Obama from Las Cruces, New Mexico, yesterday.

OBAMA:  On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.

RUSH:  Here is President Bush, our second bite from yesterday.

THE PRESIDENT:  From far-away lands they will return to cemeteries like this one where broken hearts receive their broken bodies.  They found peace beneath the white headstones in the land that they fought to defend.  It is a solemn reminder of the cost of freedom that the number of headstones in a place such as this, grows with every new Memorial Day.  Here in Washington and across our country, we pay tribute to all who have fallen -- a tribute never equal to the debt they are owed.  We will forever honor their memories. We will forever search for their comrades, the POWs and MIAs -- and we pledge, we offer a solemn pledge to persevere and to provide the security for our citizens and secure the peace for which they fought.

RUSH:  You heard him say, "We pay tribute to all who have fallen."  He did not say, "I see some of them standing here today."  Here's Obama yesterday, Las Cruces, New Mexico.

OBAMA:  This Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in -- in the audience here --

RUSH:  Here's the -- Sorry.

OBAMA:  -- particularly strong.

RUSH:  I was so inspired by that, I interrupted.  Here's a final sound bite from President Bush.

THE PRESIDENT:  On this Memorial Day, I stand before you as the commander-in-chief and try to tell you how proud I am of the sacrifice and service of the men and women who wear our uniform.  They're an awesome bunch of people, and the United States is blessed to have such citizens.  I am humbled by those who have made the ultimate sacrifice that allow our free civilization to endure and flourish.  It only remains for us, the heirs of their legacy, to have the courage and the character to follow their lead and to preserve America as the greatest nation on earth and the last, best hope for mankind.  May G-d bless you, and may G-d bless America.

RUSH:  Again, that's the stupid idiot George Bush who can't speak, on Memorial Day.  This was Barack Obama in Las Cruces, New Mexico, yesterday.

OBAMA:  On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.