Author Topic: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim  (Read 4348 times)

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What is “politically incorrect”? (II)

Tuesday, June the third 2008 at 13:08  by Lukas Lehmann

I got a lot of feedback because of my article about the "politically incorrectitude" of Germanies number one blog "Politically Incorrect", who became famous by it's one-sided description of islam and it is producing now headlines by it's cooperation with a former terrorist from the proscribed Kach-camp of Rabbi Meir Kahane.

For my critical attitude I got encouragement but also dissenting statements. Mainly they tried to make me their position clear about the danger based on Muslimes and they don't abstained verbal attacks. One supporter from the Anglo-Saxon World of the Jewish Task Force jumped at the opportunity in order to justify his ideology of a greater Israel, his rage against the leftist Israeli gouvernment and his demonization of Muslimes.

My critique against the blog "Politically Incorrect" was above all because of it's one-sided demonization of the Islam in Europe and because of the advertisement-cooperation of the Herre-disciples with the terrorist masterminds, of the, in Europe, Israel and the USA banned movement of Rabbi Meier Kahane. This, in this country, nearly unknown movement and it's followers aim for hard action against all Muslim (inclusive terror) and practise a policy, which is against the peace-process between Israel and the Arabs in Israel. So they label even conservative hardliners like Bibi Netanjahu and Ariel Sharon as leftists, who would cause with their policy the downfall of Israel. Police investigations doesn't exclude, that the murderer of the in 1995 shot prime minister of Israel  Jitzhak Rabin had connections to the organization.

From an ideological point of view you can agree to differ about the presentation on PI. On the one hand stands PI for a positive picture of Israel and the USA and they try to wake up the people in the western world with partially extreme examples of the Islamic terrorism and extremism, on the other hand stands this blog against all reason for an onedimensional picture of Islam, which is responsible for honour-killings, beheadings, lashings,    defamation of the whoman and the terrorism itself.

This accusations suggest a collective guilt of a religion and the followers of islamic faith for the crimes of an Islamist miniority. The political dimension of the from the    political scientist Bassam Tibi characterized term is here ignored    intentionally

PI's advertisement-partner exposed

To which extent PI wants to work with cynicism and tries to be    populist shows the controversial advertisement-action of the blog. On the upper left window is showed an ad, which makes you believe in Hebrew, that even the new Arabs in Israel stand in a line with extremists and the friend of Hitler Haj Amin el Husseini and they are trying to bring a new shoah over the Jews.

In fact is the open sympathy for the Nationalsozialismus in the Arab world not controversial, but this ad aims to an own policy with collective accusations, verbatim of the banned movement of Rabbi Meir Kahane, here represented by the Jewish Task Force and it's leader Victor Vancier.

Victor Vancier [aka Chaim Ben Pessach], PI's newest accomplishment, likes to present himself as the "saviour of many Jews from Sowjet bondage" and as a combatant in "the struggle against the Islamization of the West". He was born on December the 25th in 1956. With barely 14 years he joined, according to Wikipedia and according to his own followers the, by Rabbi Meir Kahane founded and in the USA located Jewish Defense League (more to this issue in my last article). Ben Pesach became the national leader in 1978. Still in the same year he has to resign, because he went to jail because of the bombings of egyptian institutions, he thought his acting was legitimate in order to stop the Israeli retreat from the Sinai.

After his release from prison in 1983 came the terror-carrier of the "discharged" Ben Pessach not to an end. In 1984, with his re-appointment as leader of the kahanist JDL, he devoted himselve totally to "free" [quoted  >:(] Jews from the Sowjet Union. This actions have happened not without violence: Ben Pesach committed    numerous bombings against Sowjet institutions in New York and he attacked a Sowjet ballet performance with tear gas. In 1987 he was sentenced for totally six evidenced bombings to ten years in prison. He spent only five and a half year in prison.

After his  dismissal Chaim ben Pesach founded the Jewish Task Force, the advertisement-partner of Politically Incorrect. The organisation is trying to whitewash itself with fundraising for extreme rightwing groups in Israel and with appearance in the media from it's dirty past. The ideology of the movement has not changed. Ben Pesach was denied the entry to Israel, because of his open support for Rabbi Meir Kahane. In the year 1996 ben Pesach tried his luck althrough and he has been put instantly in "administrative detention" by Israeli executives at the airport Ben Gurion and he was deported the next day to the USA.

The criminal record of Chaim ben Pesach is long, so it is not remarkable, that PI wants to hide it's "racist" and pseudo-religious plans behind a Hebrew ad on the website. 

Clandestine it seems to be, that they give former terrorists and followers of a racist and terrorist ideology an own platform in Germany, which has accidentally the same ideals and goals like PI, namely to demonize the Islam and to pretend to stand on the site of Israel and the USA. What is meant with this seems now to be clear through supporting a kahanist organisation.

The new "brown marsh" and the self-dramatization  of Pessach

You will see interesting parallels, if you read the worth reading blog issues of Bernd Dahlenburg1 and Dietmar Näher2: Dahlenburg is describing in his worth reading issue the formation of a new rightwing, which is covering itself in the clothes of critique of Islam, but it meant in reality all foreign in the country.

>>> [Quote from Dahlenburgs article:]
This new proud-nationalists try to tell us against all common sense that Germany is flooded with millions over millions of Muslims (known terms, we know them already or not?), newly are meant foreigners in general, because the sterotypes of Islam seems to be exhausted - and they refer to Augures3 who tell us, that Europe has to become a rightwing continent, instead of relying to democratic values and the powers of these (...)

They declare leftists and liberal critics of Islam as professional Jews (sic!), and so the spiral of the - until now only verbal - idiocy and violence continues    downwards (...) 4

Some blog-operators enunciate it more elegant: They whisper about the ethnic and genetic deficiencies of africans and the rest of the world, in order to accentuate the German supremacism. They ask the hate-preachers in the forums with unbelievable hypocrisy for abstinence, by promising them a change of the society, which will satisfy their lust to kill, if all is handled true-German.

They refer to the lowest insticts, when they sophisticated outlaw their political opponents and they enjoy to lean back, while the clickrate is growing on their websites, althrough they know, that they are in a murderous business, which will bring them sooner or later (perhaps) interest. They operating blogs, which claim to be friendly to Israel (Hahaha), but every smart human beeing will discover, that anti-semites are behind this blogs, which only keep still, until they have helped their reight cause to breakthrough. (...)

>>> [End Quote of Dahlenburgs article]

The self-appointed critics of Islam have not the goal of a serious dispute with Islam. Furthermore this new rightwing would carry out nothing else than xenophobia. This would be poison for our society, or like Dahlenburg phrase it:

"This Pro's5 are nothing positive for the society. They are something pervers negative (...). They are primitive and from the past."

What Dahlenburg only wanted to indicate, and not specially described for Politically Incorrect, adds now Dietmar Näher's blog-article on Politically Incorrect and exposes the open Sympathy with extreme rightwing  cadres of NPD6 and DVU7. In his article Näher refers to a PI-article from November 2007. In "Antifa-terror against mosques critics" is the right-wing extremist Detlef Britt described as an Islam critic, who is threatened by leftist extremists for his critical oppinion. Näher evaluates this belittlement very critical and wrote:

"It is interesting in this correlation (...), whom is PI consulting in order to defend Britt.

It is the society of the German conservatives, since the nineties categorized as extreme rightwing from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The chairman of this society Joachim Siegerist, a former CDU member with a long police-record because of defamation, incitement of the people and racial hatred - showed in the past a high profile because of the spreading of rightwing and antisemite propaganda. Israel decared Siegerist as unwanted person, and denied him the entry to Israel.8"

[Where is now the connection from PI to the anti-semites of the DVU or the NPD?  ::)]

And in this suspicious and smelling climate is given the former-terrorist Ben Pesach a platform. And so the founder of the JTF backbites against all "leftist" and "islamophobe"  ??? and nobody else then the famous journalist  ;D and editor of the bild-blog falls prey to him, who checked out dubious promotio campaign of PI. The result was a whitewashing self-promotion of the Kahanists and the former-terrorist Ben Pesach himself:

1. JTF is a legal organization in the United States and Israel (...)

2. Niggemeier falsely accuses JTF of being a terrorist group. In fact, JTF is an anti-terrorist organization which exposes the dangers of Islamic terrorism. It is Niggemeier who supports terrorism by attacking anyone who dares to tell the truth about Muslim terror.

3. Niggemeier falsely accuses JTF of racism. JTF is the ultimate anti-racist organization, fighting against the most notorious racism in history, which is anti-Semitism. Isn’t it, on the other hand, Jew-hating racism to support the Muslim Nazis - like Niggemeier does - that seek to exterminate little Israel and commit a holocaust against 5 million Israeli Jews? The Muslim Nazis are the heirs to the legacy of the Third Reich. Anyone who defends the Muslim Nazis is promoting a new holocaust against the Jewish people. The anti-Semitism of the modern Leftists is the ugliest form of racism known to humanity.

4. Niggemeier attacks me personally for leading a campaign to liberate Soviet Jewry. In the 1980s, I damaged Soviet diplomatic property to bring worldwide attention to the fact that Soviet Jews were being held hostage behind the Iron Curtain of oppression and injustice. No one was killed or injured in any of my actions, and there was no intention to kill or injure. I spent five and a half years in prison for damaging Soviet property. Niggemeier calls what I did “terrorism”, but he will not condemn the Muslim PLO and Fatah who brutally murdered thousands of innocent men, women and children, and who continue to commit acts of mass murder to this day.

In his self-portrait Ben Pessach tries to give the readers of PI a clean record. Indeed he mentioned his terror-past, but he belittled these, through mentioning that his terror-attacks don't hurt and killed anybody. The deadly bombings against Sowjet and Egyptian targets, the bomb in front of the building of the Israeli Peace Now (Pigs Now) peace movement, for which he and the JDL are responsible he concealed under the cloak of the terror of terror-organisations of Israeli Arabs.  ???  [Even in German I don't understand this sentence]

The cynical agitation continues, as he classifies himself and his organisation as anti-racist. But exactly as these is the ideology of his spiritual mentor formally classified by the USA, Israel and the EU.

If all of this is aware to PI?

Learn more:

Analysis of the Jewish Defence League byAnti Defamation League:

Suck-Interview with Chaim Ben Besach:

1. Dahlenburg is a pathological lier. He wrote in the comment section of this text, that PI would praise the holocaust. This is not true. The truth is that Nazis wrote in the comment section. PI has removed this comments.

Dahlenburg's anti-racist blog:

2. Dietmar Näher is fighting for politically correctness. He is the prototype of a Dhimmi.

Nähers Blog:

3. Augures are ancient priests in old Rome, who were able to see the future in the flight of the birds.

4. PI has never mocked liberal or leftist critics of Islam as professional Jews. This is defamation!  >:( Of course Dahlenburg gives the readers no quote or link.

5 Here is meant the PRO-movement. I personally am not in favour of them, because some members are hypocrites (The old fact -> Muzzies in my neighborhood: No! Muzzies elsewhere: OK!)

6. NPD: Evil Antisemites

7. DVU:  Evil Antisemites

8. Here is the original PI-article the Dhimmi Näher is referring to:  ::)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 11:49:20 AM by Golden Pheasant »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline mord

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 11:55:59 AM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 11:58:30 AM »
A German calling a Jew a Nazi How dumb is that

Offline mord

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 12:01:51 PM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2008, 12:04:21 PM »

Lukas needs to look in the mirror to see who the real Nazi is Him

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2008, 12:06:16 PM »
A German calling a Jew a Nazi How dumb is that

Happens all the time with Muslims calling Islam haters Nazis
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2008, 12:13:44 PM »
A German calling a Jew a Nazi How dumb is that

Happens all the time with Muslims calling Islam haters Nazis
Yeah Germans are always pulling the your askenazi card

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2008, 02:39:59 PM »
He embedded in the article a video by Marbus showing clips of Chaim intertwined with Marbus' commentary.

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2008, 02:41:16 PM »
He embedded in the article a video by Marbus showing clips of Chaim intertwined with Marbus' commentary.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Ulli

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2008, 03:10:57 PM »
He embedded in the article a video by Marbus showing clips of Chaim intertwined with Marbus' commentary.

You mean Marbus the Nazi-Croat, which stalkes us since months?
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2008, 03:15:12 PM »
He embedded in the article a video by Marbus showing clips of Chaim intertwined with Marbus' commentary.

You mean Marbus the Nazi-Croat, which stalkes us since months?

I think so, there is only one Marbus in youtube to my knowledge.

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2008, 03:17:14 PM »
He embedded in the article a video by Marbus showing clips of Chaim intertwined with Marbus' commentary.

You mean Marbus the Nazi-Croat, which stalkes us since months?

I think so, there is only one Marbus in youtube to my knowledge.

True - the German leftists using material of Marbus the Nazi-Croat  :o

"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2008, 03:18:09 PM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2008, 03:19:43 PM »
He embedded in the article a video by Marbus showing clips of Chaim intertwined with Marbus' commentary.

You mean Marbus the Nazi-Croat, which stalkes us since months?

I think so, there is only one Marbus in youtube to my knowledge.

True - the German leftists using material of Marbus the Nazi-Croat  :o


Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2008, 11:58:25 PM »
Little Lukas is whining and crying with foul language in response to jtf comment and now he is putting up nazi propaganda video??? Wow.

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2008, 07:55:26 AM »
Und so zieht der Gründer der JTF in seiner deutschen Blogprämiere gleich gegen alles “Linke” und “Islamophobe


The Chaim is against everything that is islamophobe?  ;D

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 08:07:20 AM by underthesun »

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2008, 08:06:41 AM »
what a cry baby...waaaa..he's goign to go to mommy and complain about der Juden...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2008, 10:09:13 AM »
Lucas is a fool who refuses to have a clear view of reality, he is- an Ideal-Worshiper.

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2008, 11:48:58 AM »
This was my hardest translation - You will find it as the first post of this thread. :)
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2008, 12:09:58 PM »
Very excellent translation does Lukas live with his eyes closed,he only see right wing causing trouble does'nt he see the moslem and leftist threat growing in Europe.Moslems causing all kinds of vicious crimes in Europe.I think he's hopeless
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2008, 03:04:10 PM »
5 Here is meant the PRO-movement. I personally am not in favour of them, because some members are hypocrites (The old fact -> Muzzies in my neighborhood: No! Muzzies elsewhere: OK!)

The PRO-movement is IMO even worse.
Pro-Koeln raised its voice against the construction of a Jewish museum,
questioned the honorary citizenship of someone who gave a pro-israeli interview to Ha'aretz and
asked for an official mourning for the victims of the "pointless bombings" at the 60th anniversary of the end of WW2.

That is a common wish of Neo-Nazis. They call it "Bombenholocaust".
Pro-Koeln also mentions that the displacement after WW2 was one of the worst things that happened on European ground.

Also one councilor of the small Pro-Koeln was the lawyer of Axel Reitz - also known as "der Hitler von Koeln" (the Hitler of cologne):

He was his lawyer while he sat in the council, as far as I know.

You can find links to most proofs on the page of a leftists:

Reitz also is a very prominent Member of the KDS:

The KDS is lead by the former second hand of Michael Kuenen - the founder (or icon) of the Neo-Nazi movement.
They have good contacts with Muslims. They also were common guests in the Iraqi embassy when Saddam Hussein was still president.
In their believe, different races must live peacefully but separated. Except for the Jews, if I remember that correctly.

Pro-Deutschland and Pro-NRW have even be blamed by the rightwing journal "Junge Freiheit".
I think the issues were: Open contacts to Nazis and attempts to rewrite history.

Proposals from pro-koeln:


Kalk: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 28.03.2005. Antrag auf Durchführung einer würdigen Gedenkfeier zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes.

Porz: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 18.02.2005. Antrag fuer eine Gedenkminute zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes:

"Die Bezirksvertretung Proz wuerdigt durch eine Gedenkminute den 60. Jahrestag der bedingungslosen Kapitulation der Deutschen Wehrmacht am 8. Mai 2005. Der 8. Mai steht ... auch für den Schrecken und das Leid der Bevoelkerung ... Die Bezirksvertretung Porz gedenkt der Verfolgten und Ermordeten des Naziregimes, der Kriegsopfer, Fluechtlinge, Vertriebenen, geschaendeten Frauen und der Opfer des sinnlosen Bombenkrieges."

Ehrenfeld: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 17.02.2005. Antrag auf Durchfuehrung einer wuerdigen Gedenkfeier zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes.
Chorweiler: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 17.02.2005. Antrag auf Durchfuehrung einer wuerdigen Gedenkfeier zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes.
Muelheim: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 17.02.2005. Antrag auf Durchfuehrung einer wuerdigen Gedenkfeier zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes.
Nippes: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 16.02.2005. Antrag auf Durchfuehrung einer wuerdigen Gedenkfeier zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes.
Kalk: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 16.02.2005. Antrag auf Durchfuehrung einer wuerdigen Gedenkfeier zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes.

Anfrage: Bau eines Juedischen Museums - vom 22.02.2006 für den Kulturausschuss: Anfrage zur Standortproblematik beim geplanten Bau eines juedischen Museums..

 Dringlichkeitsantrag: Alfred Neven DuMont - Ratssitzung am 28.09.2006. Dringlichkeitsantrag auf eine Resolution gegen die umstrittenen Aeusserungen des Koelner Ehrenbuerger Alfred Neven DuMont in der israelischen Tageszeitung "Ha'aretz".

Antrag: Standortsuche für Juedisches Museum   - Ratssitzung am 14.02.2006. Der Rathausvorplatz soll als Standort fuer ein Juedisches Museum verworfen werden.

Antrag: Flucht und Vertreibung - Ratssitzung am 15.12.2005. Antrag fuer eine Ausstellung anlaesslich des 60. Jahrestages von Flucht und Vertreibungt.

Resolution zum 8. Mai - Ratssitzung am 15.03.2005: Resolution zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes mit dem Ziel, auch der deutschen Kriegsopfer zu gedenken.

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2008, 03:10:34 PM »
5 Here is meant the PRO-movement. I personally am not in favour of them, because some members are hypocrites (The old fact -> Muzzies in my neighborhood: No! Muzzies elsewhere: OK!)

The PRO-movement is IMO even worse.
Pro-Koeln raised its voice against the construction of a Jewish museum,
questioned the honorary citizenship of someone who gave a pro-israeli interview to Ha'aretz and
asked for an official mourning for the victims of the "pointless bombings" at the 60th anniversary of the end of WW2.

That is a common wish of Neo-Nazis. They call it "Bombenholocaust".
Pro-Koeln also mentions that the displacement after WW2 was one of the worst things that happened on European ground.

Also one councilor of the small Pro-Koeln was the lawyer of Axel Reitz - also known as "der Hitler von Koeln" (the Hitler of cologne):

He was his lawyer while he sat in the council, as far as I know.

You can find links to most proofs on the page of a leftists:

Reitz also is a very prominent Member of the KDS:

The KDS is lead by the former second hand of Michael Kuenen - the founder (or icon) of the Neo-Nazi movement.
They have good contacts with Muslims. They also were common guests in the Iraqi embassy when Saddam Hussein was still president.
In their believe, different races must live peacefully but separated. Except for the Jews, if I remember that correctly.

Pro-Deutschland and Pro-NRW have even be blamed by the rightwing journal "Junge Freiheit".
I think the issues were: Open contacts to Nazis and attempts to rewrite history.

Proposals from pro-koeln:


Kalk: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 28.03.2005. Antrag auf Durchführung einer würdigen Gedenkfeier zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes.

Porz: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 18.02.2005. Antrag fuer eine Gedenkminute zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes:

"Die Bezirksvertretung Proz wuerdigt durch eine Gedenkminute den 60. Jahrestag der bedingungslosen Kapitulation der Deutschen Wehrmacht am 8. Mai 2005. Der 8. Mai steht ... auch für den Schrecken und das Leid der Bevoelkerung ... Die Bezirksvertretung Porz gedenkt der Verfolgten und Ermordeten des Naziregimes, der Kriegsopfer, Fluechtlinge, Vertriebenen, geschaendeten Frauen und der Opfer des sinnlosen Bombenkrieges."

Ehrenfeld: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 17.02.2005. Antrag auf Durchfuehrung einer wuerdigen Gedenkfeier zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes.
Chorweiler: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 17.02.2005. Antrag auf Durchfuehrung einer wuerdigen Gedenkfeier zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes.
Muelheim: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 17.02.2005. Antrag auf Durchfuehrung einer wuerdigen Gedenkfeier zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes.
Nippes: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 16.02.2005. Antrag auf Durchfuehrung einer wuerdigen Gedenkfeier zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes.
Kalk: Antrag 8. Mai - vom 16.02.2005. Antrag auf Durchfuehrung einer wuerdigen Gedenkfeier zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes.

Anfrage: Bau eines Juedischen Museums - vom 22.02.2006 für den Kulturausschuss: Anfrage zur Standortproblematik beim geplanten Bau eines juedischen Museums..

 Dringlichkeitsantrag: Alfred Neven DuMont - Ratssitzung am 28.09.2006. Dringlichkeitsantrag auf eine Resolution gegen die umstrittenen Aeusserungen des Koelner Ehrenbuerger Alfred Neven DuMont in der israelischen Tageszeitung "Ha'aretz".

Antrag: Standortsuche für Juedisches Museum   - Ratssitzung am 14.02.2006. Der Rathausvorplatz soll als Standort fuer ein Juedisches Museum verworfen werden.

Antrag: Flucht und Vertreibung - Ratssitzung am 15.12.2005. Antrag fuer eine Ausstellung anlaesslich des 60. Jahrestages von Flucht und Vertreibungt.

Resolution zum 8. Mai - Ratssitzung am 15.03.2005: Resolution zum 60. Jahrestag des Kriegsendes mit dem Ziel, auch der deutschen Kriegsopfer zu gedenken.

Good find  O0

I smelled the rats  ;D
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline underthesun

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2008, 04:19:43 PM »
I have found the article from "junge freiheit".
Not the Pro-Movements were accused in it of "open contacts to Nazis and attempts to rewrite history", but other parties.

The article talked about a conference where those parties and the Pro-Movement met to talk about running together for the European Parliament. Pro-* , NPD and DVU on the same list!

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2008, 04:33:30 PM »
I have found the article from "junge freiheit".
Not the Pro-Movements were accused in it of "open contacts to Nazis and attempts to rewrite history", but other parties.

The article talked about a conference where those parties and the Pro-Movement met to talk about running together for the European Parliament. Pro-* , NPD and DVU on the same list!

This is in fact unacceptable.

It is time for our own party in this punished country.  :)
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline underthesun

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Re: Lukas Lehmann comes up with new accusations against our good Chaim
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2008, 04:38:34 PM »
Good find  O0

That leftists does a really good job on the Pro-* .
You just have to check the references, because you shouldn't trust a leftist that shouts: "Nazi".

I smelled the rats  ;D

Fine nose!
I think I had insider information ( that I can't present :( ) about a connection between Axel Reitz and Pro-Köln.
I don't know whether I would have believed them otherwise.

Germany has a party that is really against Islam: CM - Christliche Mitte.
For decades they are preaching that Christianity must bear up against Islam and never got a seat.
Now when they might have a chance, another party comes up and might intercept the voters.