Author Topic: Insurance Companies Rejecting Women With History of Cesarean Births  (Read 1224 times)

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Offline Lisa

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Something is VERY wrong with our whole insurance/health care system when American women who've had c-sections are being told to either get sterilized, or do without health insurance.  In fact, I think this is a perfect example of eugenics against white middle class American women.  So think about it, people.  While American women with c-sections are being, in a way, ethnically cleansed, they are still forced to subsidize the birth of anchor babies, and the health care of the criminal illegal alien invaders.

REDONDO BEACH, Calif., June 2 --
As reported in today's New York Times, ICAN has begun tracking an alarming new trend of insurance companies refusing to provide health insurance for women with a history of cesarean surgery. In some cases, women are being rejected for coverage outright and in other case they are being charged significantly higher rates to obtain the same coverage as women without a history of cesarean. With over a million women each year undergoing this surgery, this practice has the potential to render large numbers of women uninsurable.

This trend surfaces as the rate of cesarean surgery, including unnecessary cesareans, continues to rise. In 1970, the cesarean rate was 5%. In 2007, it was 30.1%. Experts often cite the incentives within the health care system for driving up the rate of cesarean unnecessarily, including physicians' medical malpractice fears, better reimbursement for surgery, and lifestyle conveniences for care providers and staffing efficiencies in having more "9-5" deliveries.


The trend is highlighted in the cases of women like Peggy Robertson of Colorado. When she applied for health insurance coverage with Golden Rule, her husband and her children were accepted, but her application was denied. After multiple inquiries directed to the insurance company, she was finally told that she was denied because she had delivered one of her children by cesarean. "It was shocking. I assumed that as a woman in good health I would be readily accepted," said Robertson. "When I finally found someone who would explain why my application was denied, they had the audacity to ask me if I had been sterilized, stating that this was the only way I could get insurance coverage with them."

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Re: Insurance Companies Rejecting Women With History of Cesarean Births
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2008, 11:23:50 AM »
Something is VERY wrong with our whole insurance/health care system when American women who've had c-sections are being told to either get sterilized, or do without health insurance.  In fact, I think this is a perfect example of eugenics against white middle class American women.  So think about it, people.  While American women with c-sections are being, in a way, ethnically cleansed, they are still forced to subsidize the birth of anchor babies, and the health care of the criminal illegal alien invaders.

REDONDO BEACH, Calif., June 2 --
As reported in today's New York Times, ICAN has begun tracking an alarming new trend of insurance companies refusing to provide health insurance for women with a history of cesarean surgery. In some cases, women are being rejected for coverage outright and in other case they are being charged significantly higher rates to obtain the same coverage as women without a history of cesarean. With over a million women each year undergoing this surgery, this practice has the potential to render large numbers of women uninsurable.

This trend surfaces as the rate of cesarean surgery, including unnecessary cesareans, continues to rise. In 1970, the cesarean rate was 5%. In 2007, it was 30.1%. Experts often cite the incentives within the health care system for driving up the rate of cesarean unnecessarily, including physicians' medical malpractice fears, better reimbursement for surgery, and lifestyle conveniences for care providers and staffing efficiencies in having more "9-5" deliveries.


The trend is highlighted in the cases of women like Peggy Robertson of Colorado. When she applied for health insurance coverage with Golden Rule, her husband and her children were accepted, but her application was denied. After multiple inquiries directed to the insurance company, she was finally told that she was denied because she had delivered one of her children by cesarean. "It was shocking. I assumed that as a woman in good health I would be readily accepted," said Robertson. "When I finally found someone who would explain why my application was denied, they had the audacity to ask me if I had been sterilized, stating that this was the only way I could get insurance coverage with them."

This sounds insane :o :o
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Insurance Companies Rejecting Women With History of Cesarean Births
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2008, 11:30:21 AM »
They should sterilized the people who told her that