Inspired by the recent thread made about Michael Reagan and 9/11 "truthers":
From time to time, I see forum members who appear willing to give these demons the time of day. This is shameful. I understand that you all may be ignorant, but the people advocating 9/11 conspiracy explanations are all pure evil.
I have not encountered a single 9/11 "truther" (I'll just call them 9/11 liars from here on out, because that is exactly what they are) who isn't a hardcore, devout Nazi. Invariably, regardless of what the opening rhetoric they use to make their points is like, their central premise is identical: the Jews masterminded 9/11.
For just one example of 9/11 liar anti-Semitism, take the case of Prison Planet's Alex Jones, who is one of the most famous. He believes the Mossad was involved in 9/11 (

puh-leeze, if the Mossad won't even kill Arab enemies of Israel, what makes you think they would have an interest in this declining Roman Empire?), and in 2004 wrote a poem on his hideous website asserting that Israel had made Gaza into a prison camp for Arabs. ($1 cure, anyone?)
The other 9/11 liars are a lot more flagrant than that. Some of them openly, right off the bat, accuse "Zionists", Israel, or even outright that Jews were behind America's worst incident of terrorism ever. They either say Jews in the U.S. government were behind it or covered it up or say Israel did it. Ron Nazi Paul and his worshippers are some of the worst 9/11 liars out there today: in barely coded language, they blame Jewry for 9/11, wanting to bring about a second Shoah in America.

Chaim is right. 100% of 9/11 liars are Amalek.