Why are we surprised at Jorge the Bush's personal lynching of Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean when his role model and personal idol, Ronald Reagan, embarked on a similar crusade against another loyal and heroic federal agent (Jonathan Pollard) two decades ago? The noble Pollard now sits on federal death row thanks to the late (and unlamented) Gipper. At least the two BP agents will get out in twelve years if they aren't killed in prison (which, of course, is what Jorge would love to see).
--Pollard was prosecuted in order to appease Reagan's Saudi bed-buddies. Compean and Ramos were prosecuted as a favor to Bush's druglord friends south of the border who provide so much dirt labor to his corporate cronies.
--The Reagan administration bullied the courts involved in the Pollard case to impose the maximum sentence. Likewise Bush and his gay lover Alberto Gonzalez tried to force the Ramos/Compean judge into imposing life in prison (which, remarkably, she didn't).
--Reagan gave all the illegals in America an amnesty in 1986, the exact year Pollard was sent to death row. Bush wants to give all the illegals amnesty now.
Because of his beastly atrocity, the Lord punished Ronald with a slow and miserable death from Alzheimer's. As Pollard rotted in a 6' x 8' cell in a federal gulag, Reagan's brain rotted just as surely. Our only consolation, needless to say, is the knowledge of Reagan's toasty stay in Gehenom now.