Tina Himmler Greco, is definitely Schizo!
I can't believe she'd steal our righteous JTF pictures and post them on the biggest Nazi forum, and then Ari helps her. This is like a Jew, turning other Jews over to the Nazis. What the hell is her problem? We need to ban scum like this beforehand. G-d knows, how many accounts Skippy manipulated. I hope we find her address and phone number, I believe it's on
http://www.whitepages.com.au/wp/resSearch.doWhat she told Shlomo was unforgivable! How vile this piece of exrement and drek would say! Now she posts on her National SSocialist BolsheviSSt SS forum. There's only like 4 active members on her Military Nazi forum.
Hardly any members.
http://www.militaryglobal.com/forum/index.phpI'm starting to also think Husar was a SF serb. All Tina's members on her Military Forum are all traitors and collaborators and defenders of Whorefronters!

Ari is listed as:
The Defectors
It shows you how serious he is with Judaism and his use of words.

You think he cares about the Jewish people, he handed them all over to the Nazis over the internet. By the way, she probably had a translator to type like that in German, or that's not the right Kiwi, but the Kiwi1988 on the German forum is pretty close to the one on her Military Nazi forum. Either or, she is unemployed and manipulates, and molests internet forums all day. What a clever way to spend your life.
Tina would prefer a Nazi White SSupremacist, over a righteous person of a different ethnic background, just because they aren't "White Nazi Aryan". It shows you how brilliant and how far she has come into the 21st century with her "White Aryan" views and how she will bash the righteous of any background.

Tina missed her time about 65-70 years ago when racial experiments and Third Reich SScience was popular in the Nazified countries of Europe. She would fit in with this type of "White Aryan SScience."