Author Topic: Embarrassed to live in Tapu'ah  (Read 2178 times)

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Embarrassed to live in Tapu'ah
« on: June 22, 2008, 05:51:59 PM »

Embarrassed to live in Tapu'ah

20 of the Third Month 5768

A video of a known Christian missionary group's visit to Israel was sent to me by Ge'ulah Girl, along with her important commentary.

Tomer Devorah also provides an analysis of this group and its visit.

This group was invited to K'far Tapu'ah, where I have lived for four years. I simply cannot bring myself to post this video on my blog. So please see the sites above, and be sure to check out time marker 6:27, for the Tapu'ah and then Beth-El segments of their trip.

I looked at the section of this video with a neighbor of mine. He suggested by the signs that this visit was made quite recently. I am embarrassed to say that I had no knowledge of it.

Why are these people allowed to have mixed dancing in a town which would never suggest such a thing?

Why was this done in front of our children? What kind of message did they receive from this kind of behavior?

Why were our children allowed to have any contact with them at all?

From Ge'ualah Girl's The Key To Redemption blog:

They are called the Israeli Celebration Dancers (ICD)led by Michael and Marty Gale from Greeley, Colorado.

From their website:

"At this time, the vision for the ICD is to build a bridge, using music and dance, joining the Christian church and the Jewish people together in praise. In this way, the Christian church can join in the revival and learn that it is possible to be so in love with G-d that you just have to dance wildly around the room! From this bridge, the Jews may come to see that their Messiah, who is to come, has already come! Then we can all dance together in the Kingdom of Yeshua the Messiah."

This dancing is almost exclusive to the "messianic" movement. It is called "Davidic dance and worship". It is also referred to as spiritual warfare.

Please be sure to read the rest of her commentary.

The Kitath Konanuth (First Response Team) received a very expensive, and much-needed equipment from these people.

And, now to show Tapu'ah's gratitude, it's pay back time.

I am very torn about this. This equipment will, no doubt, be used to save the lives of Jews, and after speaking to one of the Kitath Konanuth's members, I know that they had no knowledge of this group's missionary goals and tactics.

This all-volunteer force, has given a great deal of their time and energy to protect the town. I do not hold them responsible; I hold those involved with helping to arrange the visit responsible. This group has visited Tapu'ah before. Two years ago "someone" neglected to do a web search on their leader's name. How convenient.

No doubt I may get run out of this town after I post this, or at least when I write it up in Hebrew. But I cannot remain silent. We must recognize that this, albeit generous, gift is a short-term solution, and not a long-term one, and that this group has ulterior motives.

At the VERY least, this group's visit should have been have structured according to our community's standards. Mixed dancing should not have been allowed, and children should not have been present, nor should they have had any contact with these "soul-snatchers." If possible, some control should have been made over their video taping, and their subsequent use of the tape.

I am confident that these Christians would have been happy to accommodate Tapu'ah's community standards, and mention this in their promotional video about how that much closer they are to the Jews.

I was told by a Tapu'ah resident a long time ago that Rabbi Me'ir Kahane HY"D, addressing the listeners of a Christian Talk Radio show in the U. S., on which he was the guest, said...

"If you want to support us, support us from afar. If you come to Israel to missionize us, then we'll have to cut your heads off."

Where is this Tapu'ah resident?  He can be seen in the video.

Six of Rabbi Kahane's grandchildren live here, the orphaned children of Rabbi Binyamin and Talyah Kahane HY"D.

What would the Rabbis Kahane say now?

I am so embarrassed that I live here.

See who brought them here in the first place two years ago by clicking here. They're not even embarrassed about it. But let's see how long this link stays up now.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 04:18:02 AM by yaaqov »
Ya'aqov Ben-Yehudah