Author Topic: Jerusalem Zoo Receives Two Rare Tigers  (Read 2961 times)

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Jerusalem Zoo Receives Two Rare Tigers
« on: January 21, 2007, 03:22:03 PM »
Jerusalem Zoo Receives Two Rare Tigers
14:14 Jan 21, '07 / 2 Shevat 5767

( A new tiger exhibit has opened at Jerusalemֲ’s Biblical Zoo.

The exhibit includes two rare Sumatran tigers, named Avigdor and Chana. Though the species originates on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, Avigdor is from a German zoo and Chana was born in the Ramat Gan Safari Park. There are only 500 Sumatran tigers left on the planet.

Zookeepers say the mild winter weather is idea for viewing the animals, as it is not too cold for them to venture outside, though are not lethargic from the warm summer weather.