Author Topic: A Self defense victory in Israel!!  (Read 5606 times)

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Offline Еврей

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A Self defense victory in Israel!!
« on: June 24, 2008, 02:57:19 PM »,7340,L-3559940,00.html

Out of curiosity... does anyone know if there is a similar law in the US?
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Offline Americanhero1

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Re: A Self defense victory in Israel!!
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2008, 03:00:03 PM »
I know in America if you shoot or in anyway hurt the intruder they can sue the home owner

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Re: A Self defense victory in Israel!!
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2008, 03:01:34 PM »
I believe that in Florida, you are allowed to use deadly force against intruders to your home, and that you are allowed to own guns. 

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Re: A Self defense victory in Israel!!
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 03:54:42 PM »
I Know for a fact that here in New York, you can only own a weapon if you own a business and carry around large sums of money. But if you shoot an intruder it has to be from the waist down or else you get charged with attempted murder over here.
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Re: A Self defense victory in Israel!!
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2008, 07:59:10 PM »
In many states, including Florida and Georgia,they have passed what is known as the "Castle Doctrine". You are no longer required to retreat from your position. Whether in your home or outside of your home, if someone attacks you with intent and a weapon and you fear for your life you have the right to shoot them. Several states have passed this law in the last couple of years since the Katrina fiasco.

From Wikipedia:
 Castle Doctrine (also known as a Castle Law or a Defense of Habitation Law) is an American legal concept derived from English Common Law, which designates one's place of residence (or, in some states, any place legally occupied, such as one's car or place of work) as a place in which one enjoys protection from illegal trespassing and violent attack. It then goes on to give a person the legal right to use deadly force to defend that place (his/her "castle"), and/or any other innocent persons legally inside it, from violent attack or an intrusion which may lead to violent attack. In a legal context, therefore, use of deadly force which actually results in death may be defended as justifiable homicide under the Castle Doctrine
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Offline Еврей

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Re: A Self defense victory in Israel!!
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2008, 11:28:30 PM »
Thanks for the replies!

I'll see what else I can dig up...  O0
"My name is Daniel Pearl. I am a Jewish American"
"My family follows Judaism. We've made numerous family visits to Israel."
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Offline old06

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Re: A Self defense victory in Israel!!
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2008, 11:41:57 AM »
I know in America if you shoot or in anyway hurt the intruder they can sue the home owner

I can tell you for a fact that isn't the case in the state of Louisiana and Texas if you are on the property for the purpose of a crime and survive the shot you cant sue for squat

Back in 96 my home was broken into and only a few hidden items (guns were taken) I just so happen to find it that evening and they left over 30 firearms alone after a few hours with the cops they felt just like me that they would back well me and my friend Mr. Riot 12 Ga with 7 rounds of # 4 buck shot were waiting the next day at 1:30 in the afternoon they came through the back door 2 got away but I had one at the end of the gun well after the cops got there and took custody of my intruder I asked about the law and he said that the individual was lucky that I could have shot him and there wasn't a thing that he could have ever done. It was a 18 yo 17yo and a 14 yo they knew my kids and knew what I had after that I put up a fence and kept dobermans and open carried plus I would do a little target work around the place at will I havent been broken since I gave one of the parents a loaded 12 ga round and said tell your kid that next time he comes around I have one to give him also since I was having vandal problems before all this happen and it was him behind it all a long he has not been back to my neck of the woods since then and it holds true till today I pack something and will use it and if they think that they can get a buck from me they are mistaken the law will not see there need to steal as a excuse the only the reason they got shot
« Last Edit: June 25, 2008, 11:53:16 AM by old06 »