In these modern times, globalization is trying to take away from us the little we have of tradition, culture and pride of your roots and wants to sell a multicultural-multi-racial picture. Is trying to make people live in a ignorant sea and with it, have the oportunity to disable any nationalist rebelion that can end with this evil plan. Globalization “globalize” even terms and tries to identify all people with a word that will show a supposed “reality”.
That is the case of the word “Latin-latino”. We listen in mass media how is used this term, we realize that it shows us, latins, as a bunch of blacks and indians with out realizing that they have nothing to do in common with that little tribe that almost 2300 years, in the land of Latium in Italy, was the origin of the latin people, that extended with the Roman Empire, spreading Race and Culture in all the Mediterranean nationsThe Latin people were the creators of the greatest civilization that has ever existed, its achivements in architecture, in military, in politics, etc. still makes us to admire them and realize how they influenced and are still in use today. Of the sons of that Roman Empire was borned the Spanish Empire, and his base was the Hispanic, who is derivated from Hispania, the name that Romans used for Iberia, “Land of rabbits” in greek. Spanish people conquered and founded cities in America, son and daughters of those Conquistadors we are the true Hispanics and we carry in our blood all the wisdom of West and all its glory, because we are the true Latins.
The word “hispanic” has now a misconception thanks to the states and its ease ways of classifiying its innhabitants. We find that those “wetbacks” that can cross the border is classified as “hispanic” knowing that a lot of them can’t even speak spanish. About 80 % of those “hispanics” could be classified as only spanish-speaking, but never as hispanics, because this is the proper word of those who come from the Iberian region.
Now we can see that the “mestizos”(mixed-blooded people) doesnt have a racial origin, as blacks Africa, indians Asia, so it is true that they have nothing to do with Latins, who are of european origin.
So on, young Hispanic, Latin, Creole, White, do not get confused with the lies of this system, with modern education in schools, colleges and universities that try to put in your head that multicultural and equalitarian idea that goes against the true rights of freedon that every person has
Latins and Romans
The Latins were an Indo-European people of the Italic branch who about the beginning of the 1st millenium BC have been settled in Central Italy, in a country south of the banks of the Tiber that was called Latium (modern Lazio). It was believed their names originated from the legendary king Latinus who ruled the city of Alba Longa in the 9th c. BC.
Politically the ancient Latium was a loose federation of city-states, such as Alba Longa, Tusculum, Lavinium, Ardea, Tibur (now Tivoli) and Praeneste (Palestrina), centered at the sanctuary of Jupiter on Albanus Mons. The city of Rome (in Latin Roma) was founded in the northern part of Latium in 754 or 753 BC by the twin brothers Romulus and Remus (it was called after Romulus) and for centuries served as a bulwark of Latinity against the Etruscan power. Starting in the late 6th c. BC the Romans gradually subjugated Italy and in the eve of the Christian era accomplished conquering the lands around the Mediterranean sea, thus creating an immense empire.
Under the Roman power the Latins had the status of socii (i.e. allies), which gave them great inner autonomy. After the so called Social war in 90-89 BC they obtained the rights of Roman citizens and subsequently all the people originating from Italy and speaking Latin as their mother thongue appealed themselves Romans. In 211 the Constitutio Antoniana de Civitate granted Roman citizenship to all the people under the rule of Rome. Since then the term Roman became a designation of a political community and as such went beyond the primary ethnic frames. It was applied to Celts, Iberians, Daco-Thracians and Illyrians who have abandoned their own languages for Latin and in this manner were completely assimilated, but also to the Greeks in the Eastern provinces who, though preserving their Greek language, adopted the name of Romans (in Greek Rhômaíoi) as a mark of their rise to political predominance in the state affairs of the East.
In the Middle ages the term Romans was used in Western Europe for making an inner distinction from Germans in the unified body of the Western Christendom. On the other hand, as Latin was the official written language in the matters of church and state, the term Latins was in common use by all Western Christians (whether Romance-, German- or Slavic-speaking nations) as distinguishing between themselves and the peoples from the rest of the world. Thus, the crusaders' states in the East were were given the name Latin. In the official political relations of Western Europe till the 11th c. the appeal of Roman was applied to the Eastern Roman empire (Byzantium), but its factual linguistic Hellenization combined with its power decline, made the Westerners to refer to it as a Greek empire and to its inhabitants as Greeks with a sense of undoubted despise. As a sign of prestige, both the empires of Charlemagne (established AD 800) and of Otho I (established AD 962) were labeled Roman.

Some subjects to think about for those who still believe that “Hispanic” means “South American” and “Latin” is another word for “Amerindian”.
LUCIUS CORNELIUS BALBUS (Major), the first foreign born Roman Consul and his nephew
LUCIUS CORNELIUS BALBUS (Minor), the first foreign born Roman citizen to be granted a triumph.
LUCIUS JUNIUS MODERATUS COLUMELLA, who wrote De Re Rustica, the most important source on Roman agriculture.
SAINT DAMASUS I, pope. He ordered the translation of the Bible into Latin.
GAIUS JULIUS HYGINUS, historian and poet
SILIUS ITALICUS, orator and poet
MARCUS ANNAEUS LUCANUS (Lucan), the second greatest poet in Latin literature only after Virgil, author of De Bello Civili sive Pharsalia.
POMPONIUS MELA, the earliest Roman geographer
PAULUS OROSIUS, historian and theologian
MARCUS FABIUS QUINTILIANUS (Quintillian), rhetorician, was the man who taught the Romans how to speak proper Latin
SENECA THE ELDER, rhetorician and writer
SENECA THE YOUNGER, philosopher, dramatist, and statesman
MARCUS ANNIUS VERUS, statesman, father of both
ANNA GALERIA FAUSTINA (the Elder), empress, and of the last “Good Emperor”.
Three of the five “Good Emperors”:
FLAVIUS THEODOSIUS (the Great) and his children:
FLAVIUS HONORIUS, western emperor,
FLAVIUS ARCADIUS, eastern emperor, and
GALLA PLACIDIA... and many more.
Those people were Hispanic and Latin. Amerindians are neither Hispanic nor Latin, they're just AMERINDIAN=
The Latin language was originally brought about by the Indo-European people who had migrated to eastern and southern Italy towards the end of the Trojan War. It then evolved into Latin and was spoken mostly by the Romans in their city of Rome and the regions that surrounded it. The following are some of the different periods of literary Latin; the Early Period, the Golden Age, the Silver age and the Late Latin Period. Each of these periods changed Latin, and how later forms were added to the language.
Latin gradually began to spread through the entire western Mediterranean areas as more and more people came to Rome. There were more complicated reasons for this huge change. There was always a fight between the Latin languages and the Italic languages and the Social War of 90-88 BC, between Rome and the Italians. These fights were over an unspoken rule, stating that all of the different communities were allowed to speak different languages than their neighbors. In the end of the Social war, this rule went away, because of the new idea of political unity for the Italian people. And with this political unity, came the presentation of Latin as the new language for local, as well as federal business.
Ancient literary Latin can be divided into four periods. . .
240 to 70 BC included writings from Plautus, Ennius, and Terence.
70 BC to AD 14, was called the Golden Age. This period included writings from Livy, Julius Caesar, Cicero, Catullus, Lucretius, Vergil, Hoarse, and Ovid.
14 to 130 was known as the Silver Age. It was famous for striving for rhetorical elaborate, ornament, concise and epigrammatic expression.
The end of the 2nd century to the end of the 6th century was the last period, the Late Latin Period. During this time, the Romans invaded the barbarian tribes. This changed the Latin language by bringing in a whole lot of unknown forms and idioms. This resulted in a sort of "corrupted" form of Latin, which was later called Lingua Romana, which is different from Lingua Latin.'ve serendipitously found a sonnet by Petrarch that shows the proper use of the word "hispano" (Hispanic) as a synonim for Spanish:
Francesco Petrarca, Canzoniere
Non da l'hispano Hibero a l'indo Ydaspe
ricercando del mar ogni pendice
né dal lito vermiglio a l'onde caspe,
né 'n ciel né 'n terra, è piú d'una fenice...
Not from Spain’s Ebro to India’s Hydaspes,
searching every cliff above the seas,
not from the Red-Sea coast to the Caspian’s waves,
is there another phoenix in earth or heaven...
translation into english: